Im getting this after I upgraded from a previous version ( I forgot which version.)
Also getting Fatal Error
What needs to be done?
Warning: require_once(/home/content/a/l/b/alboho7722/html/zenphoto/zp-corezp-extensionscaptcha/zenphoto.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/a/l/b/alboho7722/html/zenphoto/zp-core/functions.php on line 30
Note that I am assuming there is a copy issue with the error message you have posted as the file name should have had slashes between `zp-core` and `zp-extensions` and between `zp-extensions` and `captcha`. If that is really the error, then one of your files has been corrupted. Of course, re-upload should also fix that.