Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this error message?
[30-Jun-2012 21:14:40] PHP Notice: printPasswordForm (called from password.php line 30) is deprecated printPasswordForm custom theme password forms is deprecated. You should style the form created by the Zenphoto_Authority class (or its derivatives) instead. Use of these forms will prevent alternative credentials implementations from working with a theme. in /home2/xxxxxxxx2/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php on line 70
I have searched the forum but I do not come up with an answer. Zenphoto was working fine and I do not know of any events that might have caused this. Now, the user log in page does not work and I do not know what to do. The page does not do anything after entering a user id and password. I am using Version and my OS is Windows 7 Ultimate. I get the same results on an XP machine. I have been at this for hours and would really appreciate some help.
30-Jun-2012 20:18:18] PHP Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /xxxx2/xxxxxxx2/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/admin-functions.php on line 2619
Why would my gallery suddenly start generating error codes?
If there is still and error, please revert to one of the standard themes and see if the problem is resolved.
1. index.php
2. /themes
3. /zp-core
I do not have a setup.php file. What do I do now?
I could not find a /zp-core/set.php file after the upload, however, there was a file named setup-primitive.php. I ran that and I have the user log in page back. Does this make sense?
If there is no `zp-core/setup.php` script then the upload did not work correctly or the file was removed from a previous install. (But then the whole setup folder would also have been removed.)
So the suggestion is to remove all files in `zp-core`, remove the root `index.php` script, and remove any zenphoto supplied themes in the `themes` folder.
Download again the release. You might as well try 1.4.3. We believe it will be as successful in upgrading over skipped versions as the 1.4 releases.
Welcome to Zenphoto! This page will set up Zenphoto on your web server.
Systems Check:
Updating current Zenphoto release
Log security
PHP version 5.2.17
PHP Version 5.0.5 or greater is required. Version 5.3 or greater is strongly recommended. Use earlier versions at your own risk.
PHP Sessions.
PHP Register Globals
PHP Safe Mode
PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled]
We strongly recommend disabling magic_quotes_gpc. For more information See What is magic_quotes_gpc and why should it be disabled? in the Zenphoto troubleshooting guide.
PHP magic_quotes_runtime
PHP magic_quotes_sybase
PHP gettext() support
PHP mbstring package
Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
zenphoto.cfg file
File Permissions [are strict (0644)] Notice! click for details
If file permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.
Set File permissions to readonly (0444) strict (0644) relaxed (0664) loose (0666)apply
The Zenphoto filesystem character define is ISO?8859?1 [no test performed]
Setup did not perform a test of the filesystem character set. You can cause setup to test for a proper definition by creating a file in your zp-data folder named charset_tést and re-running setup.
If your server filesystem character set is different from ISO?8859?1 and you create album or image filenames names containing characters with diacritical marks you may have problems displaying the names.
Change the filesystem character set define to Unknown ASMO-708 BIG5 CISO2022JP CP1026 CP870 DOS-720 DOS-862 EBCDIC-CP-US EUC-CN EUC-JP EUC-KR GB2312 HZ-GB-2312 IBM437 IBM737 IBM775 IBM850 IBM852 IBM857 IBM861 IBM869 ISO-2022-JP ISO-2022-KR ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-2 ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-4 ISO-8859-5 ISO-8859-6 ISO-8859-7 ISO-8859-8 ISO-8859-8-i ISO-8859-9 JOHAB KOi8-R KOi8-U KS_C_5601-1987 MACINTOSH SHIFT_JIS UNICODE UNICODEFFFE US-ASCII UTF-7 UTF-8 WINDOWS-1250 WINDOWS-1251 WINDOWS-1252 WINDOWS-1253 WINDOWS-1254 WINDOWS-1255 WINDOWS-1256 WINDOWS-1257 WINDOWS-1258 WINDOWS-874 cp866apply.
If you do not know the character set try "UTF-8"
PHP MySQL support for configured Database
PHP PDO_MySQL support
Database setup in configuration file
MySql version 5.1.63
MySql Version 5.0.0 or greater is required. Version 5.5.0 or greater is preferred. Use a lower version at your own risk.
SQL mode
Database access rights
SHOW TABLES found: znp_admin_to_object, znp_administrators, znp_albums, znp_captcha, znp_comments, znp_images, znp_menu, znp_news, znp_news2cat, znp_news_categories, znp_obj_to_tag, znp_options, znp_pages, znp_plugin_storage, znp_search_cache, znp_tags
Database field collations
Zenphoto core files [Some files are missing or seem wrong]
Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:
Zenphoto core file permissions
.htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
.htaccess RewriteBase is /zenphoto
robots.txt file [Not created] Notice! click for details
Setup did not create a robots.txt file because one already exists.
albums folder
cache folder
locale folders
uploaded folder
zp-data folder
HTML cache folder (cache_html)
Third party plugins folder (plugins)
Database tables to update: znp_options, znp_albums, znp_images, znp_comments, znp_administrators, znp_admin_to_object, znp_tags, znp_obj_to_tag, znp_captcha, znp_pages, znp_news2cat, znp_news_categories, znp_news, znp_menu, znp_plugin_storage, znp_search_cache
I could not find a zp-core/exif/exif.php file. I did find zp-core/exif/makers/canon.php and fujifilm.php and gps.php but I do not know what to check.
Seriously, the errors you report are all caused by procedural errors in getting the application files onto your server. Only you can figure out where that is going wrong.
Also all these player have to load the file to play, so if your server or connection is slow and the files big it might be slow (you notcie this at time even on youtube & co which work not that different).