Upgrade to 1.4.3 has stopped album image statistics from working


I have just upgraded to 1.4.3 and now my use of album image statistics plugin has stopped working. I have a page completely seperate from zenphoto on my site where I had the following includes of zenphoto files.

include DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/gallery/zp-core/template-functions.php';

include DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/gallery/zp-core/zp-extensions/image_album_statistics.php';

$latest_images = getImageStatistic(9, 'latest', '', false);

However, when I go to this page, I get zenphoto saying it has detected a change in myinstallation and to reupload all the setup files. I have done this twice now and still the same issue every time. Access to my gallery works perfectly fine, so this is only happening on this one page. I have commented out the last two lines so it just does an include of template-functions.php and still the error occurs.

Any ideas on why this isn't working? Is there another file I need to be including?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I have no idea as we do not test or investigate any usage outside of Zenphoto. MAybe try including "functions.php" as well.
  • Ok. Thanks for your response. I've worked out what the issue is and basically the changes made in 1.4.3 to functions-basic.php have made it impossible to now include that file from a standalone page outside of the main zenphoto folder.

    Is there a reason why the way the paths are worked out was changed from this:

    dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . DATA_FOLDER . "/zenphoto.cfg"


    to this:



    where $const_serverpath is worked out using the script filename, which is the filename of the script that does the include.

    $const_serverpath = str_replace('\\','/',dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));

  • These changes were made to support cloning installs via symlinks. The script itself now does not necessarily reside in the same folder as the install now.
  • There is a change in tonight's nightly build which should re-enable the outside of zenphoto use of zenphoto functions.

    You will have to add a define for `SERVERPATH` to your code, though. `define('SERVERPATH',DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/gallery');` should probably be correct.
  • Thanks for that. I have added the following to functions-basic and it now works perfectly if I define the SERVERPATH before the include.

    if (defined('SERVERPATH')) {

    $const_serverpath = SERVERPATH;


    I also needed to define the OFFSET_PATH before doing the include as line 20 in functions_basic.php does an if (OFFSET_PATH) and this generates stuff in the error logs about undefined constant if it hasn't been defined. I set it to zero and it seems to work, but I'm not to sure what it should be.

    Thanks for your help.
  • The lines you added are what I committed to the nightly. Zero for OFFSET_PATH is good. That is the value for "front-end" access.

    I guess we need to make an article about how to do this now. Maybe you could post a draft of what you needed to do?
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