Geotag Search

hi just a quick query, i want to know if it possible, i have a number of geotagged images for a city, is there any way i can have a search page that will show the google map of the city with the geotag markers shown all on them, is so how do i go about this, please keep in mind my php is not too great

Zenphoto version [10045] (Official Build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
Current gallery theme: zpskeleton
PHP version: 5.2.17
Graphics support: PHP GD library 2.0 or higher
PHP memory limit: 96M
MySql version: 5.1.58
Database name: a7640347_photos
Table prefix: _a
Spam filter: none
CAPTCHA generator: zenphoto


  • Yes. but it will take some coding. Please look at the use of the google maps function for the album page of the Garland and Effervescence+ themes. You will see how they collect the cordinate information for each image and pass it to the google maps `printGoogleMap()` callback parameter.
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