Anyone else incorporating Wordpress with Zenphoto? The only thing I could find is here: but no documentation to show how it's done. It's a MX4 theme with Zenphoto plugins, but when I visited the MX4 site the plugins (not sure if that was a ZP plugin on the MX4 site) download has been taken down. However, Hopkins did a great job of integrating it with Zenphoto on his site (
I read somewhere where Tris mentioned including an about and contact page. I think that would be a great idea too. This is a great photo gallery and hope to see it grow. Thanks Tris.
I got my intgrated Zenphoto to work following the directions at this link:
Although I haven't rolled out the gallery yet, with a little CSS tweaking help from Trisweb Zenphoto intergated rather nicely.
You can see it here (unofficially):
Hope this helps you in some way!
I'm not trying to be lazy but it would be nice if someone made a plug-in - - simply because of my (as well as others) limited CSS, PHP knowledge. I'm just afraid I'll mess it up so bad I won't be able to put it back together again.:-)
There is a plug-in out there: called fotobook that someone somewhere mentioned, which uses the Lightbox JS. It started out looking good, but then it was integrated with Lightbox (I just didn't like that style).
Anyway, thanks again for the link. I will take a look. I'm also interested in what Tris has plans for Zenphoto.
Under the "credits" page there is more info, including links to download most of the pieces.