I want to put my website on the pages albums a "counter view." I saw that on the backoffice could have a page view counter and albums.
Could you help me first tell me how it's done?
thank you
Jo '
Je cherche à mettre sur mon site sur les pages albums un "compteur de vue". J'ai vu que sur le backoffice on pouvait avoir un compteur de page vue et albums.
Pourriez vous m'aider er me dire comment on fait ?
`echo getNumImages()` the total number of images in an album
So to get a "1 of 12 images" like counter for the single image use `<?php echo imageNumber().' of '.getNumImages().' images'; ?>`on the theme's `image.php` page. Where exactly depends on the theme used naturally.
Also `echo getNumAlbums()` the total number of albums within an album (direct childs if I recall right off hand).
This album has been visited: times ... (??)
I'm looking for the number of visits on an album