New User Rights

Hi there...

Very new but learning quick.... However can't find or understand this one.

If a potential user clicks "register for this site" on the front page of my Zenphoto, the registration process happens fine and the new user can log in, however, I bet you know whats coming next? How can I allow this new user to create his own albums and upload to them straight away? As the admin of the site I can go in later to that user and grant the rights but the new user cant do anything until then. As admin I get an email to say the user has registered etc which is a prompt for me to go in and allow the user the rights such as album creation upload etc. but is there a way that the new user who "has registered to this site" can start straight away and create his own albums etc? Might be missing something but I would say that these are the basics that a new user would want to do as soon as they are registered?

Many thanks Del Jjones


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you look at the plugin options? You can set default rights on that plugin's options. You can also have a "user album" created that is assigned to that user.
  • acryllian

    Hi. Many thanks for your reply. The plugin register_user is active and set to "View rights" which only allows them to view the galleries.

    I cant find a setting that once the user has self registered and logged in ok that he/she can create and album and upload pictures to that album. It seems that once registration is verified I have to go in and allow those right manually?

    All the best

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You did not really look at the register_user plugin options, did you? You really cannot overlook the rights assigment part...

    Also of course he cannot upload or create albums if you don'T assign the rights to do so. I suggest to read
  • Found it.....!!!!

    Admin/Groups. Set up templates there.....


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said the register_user plugin itself lets you assign the default rights for self registered users and an user album...
  • No. Sorry I've still not cracked this..

    2 users. I want them to be able to create their own albums which each of them cannot see. I have read the user rights in manual etc. I understand how to create new rules from templates but I still cant crack it....

    Would it be possible to get an example from someone or is what Im trying to do not possible? I'm guessing the only way is for each user to password protect their albums? I've spent many hours on something im guessing will take an advanced user seconds...:)

    Many thanks

    Del Jones
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you read?:

    What you wish to do is not possible via groups or automatically, so you will have to setup the rights for each user manually. You cannot have them create albums themselves and then restrict them. Either they have the right to manage their album or not. If you want that you have to setup the album for theme and just provide upload rights.
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