moving albums to subalbums, loosing description


I've upgraded to 1.0.6 version to take benefit of subalbums. When I move an existing album to a subalbum (moving folder to subfolder), images description is lost in the new subalbum.

Looking at the zenphoto database, I can see 2 identical albums, but with different [album-id].. so I guess I should (using sql) delete the newly created album, then change the "old one" with the new value set for [albumid]. Then images description should be back.

Am I right with this ? or is there an easier way to move an existing album to a subalbum ? Additionally, as I am not a sql expert, what would be the command(s) ? ;-)

Thanks a lot for that wonderful software


  • trisweb Administrator
    There are a lot of problems with that, and there's no easy way to do it.

    A new image record gets made as well. There's not a good way to keep track of the images on disk while they move around, so it needs to be done in that admin, but it's not ready yet. I'm working on it!

    For now, you can try to work the database around, but you'll have to delete the new image id's, move the old ones and change the album ID to make everything match, and even then, no guarantees... Sorry...
  • OK, so I will wait for the version with subalbums management through the admin panel. It looks safer.. at least for me ! ;-)

    I guess it will be version 1.1, right ?

    Thanks for your quick answer.
  • Andis Member
    has this feature not been integrated by now, or am i just unable to find it?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, it hasn't.
  • Hi, has this feature been implemented yet? Thanks, Mark
  • trisweb Administrator
    Working on it as we speak, should be done very soon.
  • have the same problem with the new version 1.1.7 [2043] - i just moved my albums in a new folder together and i lost all my descriptions - also the order of the pictures is lost - is there any way to get the descritptions back ?
  • Move/copy/rename is not available until build [2127] and will be incorporated in tonight's nighlty build. Anything you do to move an album or image until then will not preserve your database items.
  • now in 1.1.7 [2144] it's working fine - thx
  • OK ... so how does one move an existing album to a subalbum without losing data? I can't figure it out.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the admin edit page of each album (Move/copy)
  • Right. I did not see that there. Thanks!
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