I'm trying to install Zenphoto 1.4.3 on Debian Wheezy. At first I got errors that various files couldn't be opened, but this was resolved by chowning the entire installation to www-data. Then I set up a MySQL database:
mysql> create database zpdb;
mysql> grant usage on *.* to zpuser@localhost identified by 'zppwd';
mysql> grant all privileges on zpdb.* to zpuser@localhost ;
The Zenphoto setup page loads in my browser, everything looks good except a warning about relaxed file permissions, and that no database is selected. However, once I enter the MySQL information and click Save, everything disappears and I get nothing but a blank page from Zenphoto after that. No entries are produced in `/var/log/apache2/error.log`, either. `/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini` has `display_errors = On` and `error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT`. Any idea what I am missing here?
Blank pages generally are the result of catastrophic PHP errors. But those should have been logged somewhere. Perhaps your PHP errorare not going in the apache error log, but somewhere else.
Zenphoto Setup v1.4.3[10393]: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 18:16:15 +0000
Warn: If file permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.Set File permissions to readonly (0444) strict (0644) relaxed (0664) loose (0666)apply.
I wrote a php file on the same virtual host to deliberately generate a php error and it was logged to `/var/log/apache2/error.log` but nothing is getting logged when I attempt to access Zenphoto and get a blank page.
Zenphoto Setup v1.4.3[10393]: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 03:59:26 +0000
Primitive environment
Pass: Installing Zenphoto v1.4.3
Pass: Log security
Pass: PHP version 5.4.4-2
Pass: PHP Sessions.
Pass: PHP Register Globals
Pass: PHP Safe Mode
Pass: PHP magic_quotes_gpc
Pass: PHP magic_quotes_runtime
Pass: PHP magic_quotes_sybase
Pass: PHP gettext() support
Pass: PHP mbstring package
Pass: zenphoto.cfg file
Warn: If file permissions are not set to strict or tighter there could be a security risk. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with tight file permissions. If Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and select a more relaxed permission.Set File permissions to readonly (0444) strict (0644) relaxed (0664) loose (0666)apply.
Pass: PHP MySQL support for configured Database
Fail: No database selected
Pass: Zenphoto core files
Pass: .htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
Pass: .htaccess RewriteBase is /MediaGallery (fixed)
Pass: robots.txt file
Pass: albums folder
Pass: cache folder
Pass: locale folders
Pass: uploaded folder
Pass: zp-data folder
Pass: HTML cache folder (cache_html)
Pass: Third party plugins folder (plugins)
db POST handling
Updated configuration file
Others have reported an issue with the `IndexIgnore *` line in `.htaccess` if the apache autoindex_module is not enabled. Perhaps this is a problem for Debian as well. You can try removing that line from the file
MySql 5.1.56
PHP 5.3.8
The same behavior here, blank page after applying DB credentials.
Apache error log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_graphicsLibInfo() in /zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 190
Server version: 5.5.25-cll MySQL
PHP Version 5.3.14
The same behavior here, blank page after applying DB credentials.
Apache error log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_graphicsLibInfo() in /zp-core/functions-basic.php