Full image gives 403 Permission Denied error

My site is working just fine in all other aspects, but when I left click on a reduced-size image to display the full image, I get a 403 Permission Denied error. I am using Bluehost if that makes a difference. Any thoughts?


  • Is it possible that you have selected `no access` for your protected image options? Perhaps you have assigned a password for viewing them?
  • "no access" is not selected. It's currently unprotected. the gallery is private, but the user I'm logged in with has full rights to include view full image. I also set it to public to test if that was a problem, and the same thing resulted.
  • I also noticed that the .php url and the .jpg url (the full image) differ in that the full image url places an albums directory into the url. For example:

  • When the protection of the full images is "unprotected" the URI generated is directly to the images in the album folders. A forbidden access for this would be caused either by the file permissions of the images (or folders) or by an .htaccess preventing direct loads from these folders.
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