Images do not show as thumbs or images only filename appears

MySql and PHP seem to be working fine; ZenPhoto is writing to Albums and Cache; when in admin -- the photos or thumbs do not show; when viewing in a browser from the server the images do not show. Do not know if gd???? is installed. ZenPhoto is writing to the database.

Thank you.


  • Tried the link above; Recreated a cache sub-folder named 'a-few-favorites' and manually chmod 777; no files are written to it; no thumbs are being displayed but when clicking the filename I get the large view image.
  • trisweb Administrator
    GD may not be installed in that case. Try right-clicking the filename and choosing "View Image" or similar, and view the image it's trying to display. That should give you some helpful error output.
  • Evening all - New to ZP here :) I have everything up and running ok, it seems - apart from the same as above - no images are showing until you get to the end image (original).
    I have contacted my host to see if they can clear the Cache for me and make it so I can have CHMOD 777 automatically.

    I've tried everthing I can thats on the forums, but still Im at a loss!

    Also, whats GD? :)

    Thanks for your help! - the ZP coding is great and quick! :)
  • Update - Host has enabled CHMOD777 on cache directory - made no difference.
    Now Im stuck!

    also - if I have the htaccess file on the server, nothing works, so I've just deleted and left it off the server.
  • @kiwinky-

    GD is a graphic processing library.

    Just as an off chance you missed something, run through this checklist:

    One of the things you want to ensure is that your album directory is CHMOD 777. Both the cache and album dirs have to be CHMOD 777 for it to display images properly.
  • trisweb Administrator
    @kiwinky - PHP Safe Mode is enabled on your server. Permissions won't help. It looks like GD is installed fine, so don't worry about that.

    Contact your host and tell them you want Safe Mode disabled, and point them to the following site:

    PHP with Safe Mode on is basically debilitated, so I wouldn't pay for it if I had a choice. It is of course up to you though.

    I'm working on a safe-mode compatibility mode for the next version that doesn't create new folders. That may help. In the mean time, you can also go back to version 1.0.3, which uses an old method of storing processed images that's more compatible. You can find it in
  • Ok, I tried two installs of 107 and both times no images, just filenames. Made sure of the permissions, config is correct.

    Now, I have a upgraded to 107 version from 106 running perfect. Should I go back to 106?

  • trisweb - You're a coding angel! I have contacted my host to see if they can disable safe_mode - I haven't heard back yet. Whilst waiting, I created another zenphoto database out of curiosity...
    This time using version 1.0.3 - It works! hooray!
    I did notice one little thing that I had to do - when I've uploaded everything, and created the datebase etc - I had to upload the htacess file, then simply delete it. then zenphoto works. (of course changing the = mod_rewrite to false (that was the trick to finally getting the images to show)

    Now just to making it look how I want it.... *evil laugh*

    Thanks everyone for their help - it's really encouraging to know there is knowledge sources out there that are able to help without judging/giving a hard time.
    I am grateful for your wisdom!
  • Tris-

    Would it be helpful to add a blurb about Safe Mode to the quick reference checklist? I've seen a few recent posts about it that you've answered.
  • Too late. Already edited the sticky to reflect checking for safe mode. Let me know if it sounds right.

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