First let me state that I know almost nothing about databases -- I write programs.
I was trying to install zenphoto on mt Debian server (which has no databases inside aoache)
I followed the instructions until I got
# zenphoto.cfg file [does not exist]
Setup was not able to create this file. You will need to copy the zp-core/zenphoto_cfg.txt file to zp-data/zenphoto.cfg then edit it as indicated in the file's comments.
I did the edit and moved the edted file to zp-data
Now what? I cannot get beyond a page with this error
The issue you cite above is nothing to do with the database, though. It is a file permissions issue. Again, if you are going to self-host you will need to become knowledgeable on those sorts of things.
I expect i will be the database administrator as I am the sole administrator of the network; just hoping not to get bogged down in databases.
Guessing, permisions on zp-data?
Very pleased with your installation software/documentation
After a PHP upgrade on Debian squeeze I totally failed to get it running so tried upgrading to 1.4.5
Sort of OK untill...
Graphics support [configuration error]
No Zenphoto image handling library was loaded. Be sure that your PHP has a graphics support. The GD extension is not available.
It worked in 1.4.4 and I cannot find any PHP graphics packages and not heard of GD
What am I missing?
in zp-data/debug.log I see
{29965:Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:36:48 GMT}
USER NOTICE: Bad filename suffix in newImage(yugo001.jpg) in /var/www/photographs/zp-c
ore/class-image.php on line 58
trigger_error called from newImage (class-image.php [58])
from Album->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [1046])
from AlbumBase->getAlbumThumb (class-album.php [301])
from getAlbumThumb (template-functions.php [1572])
from printAlbumThumbImage (template-functions.php [1620])
from include (index.php [32])
from index.php [108]
and many similar messages
Also, look here for PHP GD installation support with helpful directives on enabling jpg and png support.
Again I apolgise for my ignorance but where do I run phpinfo(); ? This is not an entity I know. If I run it what actions are needed to fix? I did look at the page but that seemed to relate to building from source. I am just installing the php5-gd package on Debian
And as I said, it worked with 1.4.4
We really assume you know about how to use php if you are setting up your own server (something I would not even try myself, btw.).
If the admin overview does not show anything on your installation there is something really wrong. A look into the server logs would be a good idea. The requirements since 1.4.4 did not change actually.
[Wed Jul 24 18:27:38 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_graphicsLibInfo() in /var/www/photographs/zp-core/admin.php on line 239, referer: http://snout/photographs/zp-core/admin-edit.php
[Wed Jul 24 18:27:44 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_imageCanRotate() in /var/www/photographs/zp-core/functions-image.php on line 176, referer: http://snout/photographs/zp-core/admin-edit.php
and these lines or similar repeated many times
Strange as zp_graphicsLibInfo is defined in lib-Imagick.php as is zp_imageCanRotate, so presumable this file is not being loaded
[never had a need to learn PHP before and it was not necessary until the upgrades]
I assumed you worked on open source webstuff before. While PHP is of course not the only language it is a very widely used one.
All files seem to be owned by www-data like other web files
Previously I have used perl on web pages and other cgi languages, but not php or javascript (except from students' code)
Maybe time to give up
Hopefully someone else has some ideas.
do you mean from source?