v1.4.6: tag suggest plugin doesn't work in image edit.

I've enabled the "tag suggest" plugin and it does seem to work on the Search form in the various gallery, album, and image pages; however, from the plugin's description it is also supposed to work on the image edit screen when adding new tags (as opposed to scrolling through the tag checkbox window I guess). However, it doesn't seem to do anything. I type in the input box and nothing happens.

I'm guessing input box name/id isn't matching or something.

Not sure if this is a bug or just not understanding if it's really supposed to work in the image edit screen.

Mark H.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Indeed, that seems to be a bug that it does not work on the images.

    Btw, on the next update the tag selector for images will only appear on the single image edit page, not on the normal images tab. If you have a lot of tags the listing slows down otherwise a great deal.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Fixed in the master.
  • MarkRH Member
    Cool. I was wondering about a single image edit page. Generally when I want to edit an image, I really don't want 4 others or whatever loading at the same time.

    Is there a single image edit page now that I am missing? Lacking some extension or is this being added in a future update?

    Also be nice if I could cursor down the list of suggested tags and press enter to select it rather than needing to click on it with the mouse. (I'm just used to how some things worked in Gallery 3, what can I say; although, some things work better in Zenphoto LOL).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can access the single edit page several ways currently (note this refers to the master only yet):
    - From the image page on the front end via the admin toolbox
    - "Edit all image data" link on the images list

    I will change it so the edit link from the "image order" ones leads there, too (I forgot that).

    Regarding the tags. That would be an idea but enter of course could accidentally trigger saving the page itself, too. Probably will try that though no real priority and perhaps kept for the backend rework planned.

    And before you ask why yo cannot enter several tags there. the reason is that our tags can be multiple words and contain even commas. So any divider would be not intuitive.
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