Hi, sorry for my english, i'm from Spain.
First I create a new with an image with tinyZenpage button from a gallery. Then I need to use these image in another section, for example to show a list of news with image and title.
I see in Mysql that image is inside "content": "<p>
<img class="zenp" .....". So, I can using some PHP function (substr, ...) to cut the "content" and take the piece with "<img ... />" tag.
But there's any esay way to get the image from a new?
<div class="image"><?php printNewsImage(); ?></div>
<div class="text">
<h3><?php printNewsTitle(); ?></h3>
<p><?php printNewsContent(); ?></p>
You can help me?
You cannot find out what image that is unless you want to do some complicated content parsing of the news article content. probably should use the codeblocks to store an array or the names of the album and image you wish to use this way.