Combi News problem . No latest images on the top.

I just installed version of zenphoto. I can't get standard blog "format" of combinews. My latest images are mixed with oldest. I am checking different combi news modes (latest images full, latest images sized etc...) but any of this work properly. In my older version of zenphoto everything was ok.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try clearing the static html cache and perform a database refresh (admin overview). I don't think we changed anything and we use the mode "latest images by album" on our site ourselves.
  • I did it and nothing changed. I am using "latest images:sized images" because it is the best but still I have same old photos as a new ones.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Which sort order did you set for the images? While you can use ID it will not work as expected since articles are always sorted by date and they are the guide. We use "date" btw.

    I have no idea why this behaviour would change. I only encountered that the html cache plugin sometimes cached "inbetween" status of the page, meaning between old and new. A clear and re-accessing did always solve that.
  • Thanks for respond. I use "date". But I think that's a problem with images which does not have correct date in exif.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That might be the reason. If the date is not set it confuses everything. Maybe try to use the "publishdate" instead, although that might not be set as well.
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