Problem with upgrading

A client receives many spam, despite the captcha in zenpage comment form. He was still running version 1.4.0, so I was planning to update through 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 etc. to the latest version. From 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 was ok, but now I'm stuck in updating from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2. I get a blank screen, no source code in that page, and no error logs in the /data directory. Any idea what could be going wrong? All directories are writable.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Error logs?
  • I found that there was an old zenphoto.cfg file still in /zp-data that was causing this,but now I have something else. I arrived at the latest version, but the thumbs in the zenpage articles are not there. The links are ok to the larger images, but the thumb is missing.

    I precached all images, but still nothing.

    This is the html-code of an image thumb:
  • This is probably because the link above has been captured in your database. With the current releases there is a security option named "Image Processor security" which provides a parameter tot he image processor URLs that is checked for validity. This prevents a hacker from issuing floods of "resize" requests in a denial of service attack.

    You can disable the option and the above link will work. However, since it is that way in the database the link will never point to the cache version of the file.

    Since you are in the process of upgrading anyway, you might want to try the 1.4.5 release. It will become the official release in July, and has code that will search out these database image processor links, cache the image and replace the link. All part of the updated cache manager.
  • That sounds great. Do I have to run the precaching again or does the replacement take place during upgrading?
  • I tried upgrading with the 2.4.5 version, but I get this message with is rather strange and the first time I see it. I seems as if the configuration file can't be found with the database information:

    Edit: default shows the option for MySQLi, but the regular version is being used.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    MySQLi is the recommended handler for the db in PHP 5.x actually, not MySQL.

    If the db info is not found is the config file present?
  • You will have to run the pre-caching and select the appropriate items.
  • Most likely the configuration file was not found. The user/password inserted is probably courtesy of your browser, so chances are that information is not correct.

    Simplest thing would be to fill in the correct database credentials.
  • Filling in the database credentials did not work. I still got the message that the database could not be found. I checked those credentials twice.

    I found no other solution then to roll back to version 1.4.3 and do a new install with my database backup of that version. That worked, so I'm going to try upgrading again soon.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That could be a permissions issue if ZP cannot write to the file. You should look at the error logs.
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