If I understood correctly the albums and news pages use the same pagination and I'm including the same header on every page. So I'm using the same code as I am using for albums, but it doesn't seem to work properly. On my blog page I have the code for the news navigation in the middle, which works perfectly, but when you go to page 2 it shows (let's call it) the album navigation (on the left) only to go to the previous page and not for the next page. Also when you click the album navigation my blog suddenly has 10 pages and you click through every single news article instead of the ones I placed in the category 'blog'. How could I merge these two navigation to one and make it work correctly?
The link:
http://dagloos.com/lust/index.php?p=news&category=blogThe code for the news navigation:
'<?php printNewsPageListWithNav(gettext('NEXT »'), gettext('« PREV')); ?>'
The code for the album navigation:
'<?php if (hasPrevPage()) { ?>
">« prv page<?php } ?>'
'<?php if (hasNextPage()) { ?>
">nxt page »<?php } ?>'
You need to escape code examples properly so I cannot see what you do there. Anway `hasPrevPage/hasNextPage` again are album functions. For the news you have to use `getPrevNewsPageURL()`and `getNextNewsPageURL()` to check.
There are also quick links to general and zenpage template functions (A few are noted on the theming tutorial as well).
`<?php if (hasNextPage()) { ?>">nxt page »<?php } ?>`
<?php if (getNextNewsPageURL() || getPrevNewsPageURL()){ ?> <?php } ?>
I see what you mean. You are ending up with a link to the same page you are on for your NEXT when at the end of the list.
As you see the next page is correctly disabled. It's just this:
`printNewsPageListWithNav(gettext('next »'), gettext('« prev'),true,'pagelist',true);`
So you actually referring to the single article view with the next and prev article. That is something entirely different than the next_news loop pagination and only works if not using the CombiNews mode. The code for that is this (taken from Zenpage theme):
if(getPrevNewsURL()) { printPrevNewsLink(); }
if(getNextNewsURL()) { printNextNewsLink(); }
By default singe article display also does not know category context. You can as a workaround add `&category=`to the url if you need that but it is not in the rewrite rules so it stays that way.