I am trying to setup a celebrity site and after looking at all photo galleries this is the easiest and the best.
I have downloaded all the themes I can find and have played with them to see which would be the best to mod.
I want to be able to set the # of thumbnails on the main page and I think I saw on Gild that there is a random pic. I would like that featur as well.
I do not know PHP well at all so I am sure its all right in front of me. I will be happy to leave your credit on the site or pay you with money if that works too.
I have setup the test site at www.jhig.com but nothing special. I am open to any and all suggestions. Please email me to at buypluto@aol.com in case i miss your reply here.
You can modify the number of albums per page and images per page in the zp-config file. The FAQ has a bit of information about it at: http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/wiki/ZenphotoFAQ#Ionlysee5albumsonmyfrontpageand15imagesonmyalbumpageswherecanIchangethis
As far as the random images, you can use a custom function here:
When using custom functions, be sure you create a separate customfunctions.php file, and "include" (i.e. use a PHP include statement) it in your theme code. That way you aren't editing core zenphoto code, and your functions are portable across upgrades.
(We'll hopefully have all the custom theming information someday soon on the Wiki - it's getting there.)
Hopefully yall can get put in Fantastico and everyone can use Zen.
Is it based on the themes size or what?
One way you could do it:
`<?php $randomImage = getRandomImages(); $randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage); print "<a href='".getURL($randomImage)."' title='Random Picture...'>
Bear in mind this code is straight from the effervescence theme header code, so the image might not be formatted for what you want.
The parameters for the getcustomimage function are:
getCustomImage($size, $width, $height, $cropw, $croph, $cropx, $cropy)
Thus, you can fiddle with the numbers until you get with you want.