Can I use the theme in the link you gave me??

I cant find a way to email you direct and from your sites I see no email address so I am leaving it here lol.

I love the theme here
Cant believe no one else wants it or do they?? Its got all the features. I will change it so I wont copy you lol.

Please advise


  • No one has ever asked for it so I never really had a chance to package up the theme. I'll have to see what I can do. It may take me some time, because I never really designed it for public consumption.

    I'll let you know when I get it done and up on the wiki though. In the meantime, give JoshuaInk 1.1 a try. That's what I built my theme on. Just added some CSS jiggery-pokery, and other nifty bits I found on the forums.

    The problem is you'll have to do some database mods to get the hit counts and ratings working. So if you're OK with that, then you'll enjoy it.
  • Hi Craig, that is a nice theme you got there - one of the several I've seen of yours. My question is, how do you add a page such as the "credits" page that doesn't necessarily have the gallery but stays part of the design. I've tried to strip down the (default theme) gallery but my understanding of CSS is still very rudimentary.

    Tris, if you're reading there a way to add pages to your theme default that is blank but where I can put my own contents (non-photo) such as about, contact, etc. I know, sounds like wordpress already. I just thought it would be nice so one can really utilize the gallery like a complete site.

    Or, any ideas on how I can make my own page to add to the gallery, I'd appreciate it.

  • Just add it on the theme.

    example: you just have to make and add the file "credits.php", then make a link in the main index.
  • trisweb Administrator
    @darrelm, add any pages you like as PHP files in your theme directory. They should mimic the HTML produced by image.php, album.php, etc. but with static content instead of the Zenphoto next_whatever loops.

    You can access them through `zenphotodir/page/pagename` where your file is called `pagename.php`
  • Well, I added a page - but nothing's coming out. What else do I need to add to the page? Sorry, I'm not very good with php.
  • Looks like your page "Contact.php" is empty.

    Try to copy the header and footer from other pages and paste it. Then you just have to edit the body. This is what i did with my LINKS, ABOUT ME, and GUESTBOOK on my Photosite.

    Sorry, I just can not explain it briefly as i am still at work.
  • Thanks. I'll give it a try today and see how it goes.
  • Here's what I do.

    1. Edit up a page similar to your index page, with all your CSS intact for your theme, and call it credit.php (or whatever you want). You can leave out the loops for generating the albums and images in zenphoto. Just like Tris explained.
    2. Then you can create a link to that page using: (just replace credit with whatever name you used from above)
    3. Whammo. You have a new page. It's that easy. You can create as many other pages as you like, but I keep it simple. Too many pages, and you should start using wordpress. :)
  • i really love this theme as well.

    can you release it?
  • I cant beleive no one ever asked for it. It has all the bells and whistles and looks great.

    I have started with joshulink, but what i do is so trial and error that after an hour and I cant get something to work I just give up.

    It seems that this is designed for pro photogs who want lots of image info and I want none of it lol so I try deleting exif data and cant get it. I feel bad having to ask yall for help since I am sure its so basic. Thanks for yalls hard work and a great product.
  • Actually JoshuaInk itself is simple. My theme just builds all of the EXIF information on it. Sounds to me you'd be happy with just plain old JoshuaInk 1.1, without all the bells and whistles. All those hacks are very trial and error, and don't work on everyone's implementation, so if you're not into trial and error, I don't suggest attempting the hacks like the DB hacks unless you're sure you want to spend the time. The theme on my site took hours of time to get working right (and it still has things I'm not happy about.)

    And never hesitate to ask questions, and please don't feel "snubbed" if we don't answer right away. We'll get your questions answered as soon as we can.

    I'll work as I have time on packaging the theme up for you.

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