I'm still having problems with the sitemap being indexed by Google. I added it throught webmaster tools. First a half year long with the .php extension, but that didn't help. Now I disabled the .php extension after the image name for about three months, but still no changes. Somehow the indexing stops after the albums:
So perhaps the building of the sitemaps should go in two steps: one for pages/albums/indexes and one for the single images.
Maybe we need a separate subsitemap with the image pages itself. But it might also be that Google does not like the urls to the image processor which will occur certainly if the images are not cached alredy. I think Googles feedreader has also problems with the RSS feed urls. I have also no idea why.
So as always feel free to file a ticket for 1.4.4.
Doesn't look like an easy link for Google to index an image.
I just added the sitemap again to the google webmaster tools and it gives me a few warnings. One about a missing xml tag and the other about not being able to index the above url's, because I blocked the /zp-core directory in my robots.txt file.
I'm just thinking this over, before adding a new ticket
Ref: http://postimage.org/image/tb7ye5b9v/
Not good for SEO...
If you get a full-image.php in the full image link you have set it to protected view. Then it is for that reason shown via as script and not directly.
Albums are indexed by Google, images are not, but the don't appear in the sitemap files either so it isn't generated.
The first screenshot here is of the error message Google gives for each of the images.xml files, the second one shows the ftp-folder of the cache, the third one is an empty xml file.
http://ompldr.org/vZjk1cw/Selectie_030.bmp (missing xml-code)
'However if your images uploaded are the same size as used for the single sized image they will not be generated.'
I have updated the entry.
How come my images are not cached then? I don't want them to be cached (because they are the right size already) but if this is the only way to get them indexed by Google, I will cache them. But how? Now only the thumbs are cached.
I'm using this code right now:
" title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>
<?php printImageTitle(true); ?>
Our images are already indexed so I see no way how to do this again, besides I don't have an Google webmaster account for our site at all to check it.
Refreshing cache for Galerij
Toepassen admin_40_cw40_ch40_thumb
I don't know how I can make it to precache all images.
Whatever I fill in in the bottom part, when I hit save, nothing is saved.
I tried to modify the first entry in the cache settings (admin), but no modifications are saved.
Here you can see that all images are not indexed:
And here that the errors start with the images:
And here the errormessage itself (missing xml tag):
I have no idea were to look further. None of the images are indexed in Google, either way, with or without sitemap
This is my code in image.php: printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle())
and all my images have been cached, although they show up rather small in size, but that's because (I guess) because my larger images are already the right size:
and then there is a reference to this:
And Google is always complaining there is a xml tag missing:
Now we have to find out why that got broken.
However, Google really should also index the image itself via the albums and the site itself...
Anyway I opened a ticket for it: http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/ticket/2245 All further discussion regarding test there.