While browsing documentation, I noticed that the info on how to disable magic quotes does not properly display in IE 8 at
http://www.zenphoto.org/news/what-is-magic_quotes_gpc-and-why-should-it-be-disabled-What I see in IE8 is:
You can disable magic_quotes_gpc by editing your PHP.ini file. Change the line to You can also disable magic_quotes_gpc in your zenphoto .htaccess file by adding the line Please contact your hosting provider for further assistance.
(It seems ok in Chrome, Firefox).
http://www.zenphoto.org/news/troubleshooting-guide (Usage, point 4).
I cannot test IE as I am on Mac and I don't think we never got reports about this before and we use it in several places. Don't remember when I added that but that is for sure more than a year now. My colleague uses IE9 already I think.
Besides disabling magic_quotes is not really Zenphoto specific info so you should be able to find that on the net as well. Anyway, here is the full text:
You can disable magic_quotes_gpc by editing your PHP.ini file. Change the line
magic_quotes_gpc = On
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
You can also disable magic_quotes_gpc in your zenphoto .htaccess file by adding the line
php_value magic_quotes_gpc off
Please contact your hosting provider for further assistance.