Good news! Yippee! I finally installed Zenphoto (with some help from my host). Then I set my Admin info and password and put the gallery in "test mode" so it's closed to the public at the moment.
Now a really dumb newbie question.
After I log out of Zenphoto/Admin where do I go to log back into my zenphoto admin panel?
I just need to know I can get back in after I log out. Is it from Mysql or a file in Site Manager and htdocs?
Talk about jumping in head first and learning as you go! LOL
Documented here, too:
I'm afraid the link about backend login and modrewrite is all Greek to me.
I can't figure out how or where to set
Do I have to insert some code somewhere?
If you have modwrite `` works. Your server needs to support that. Otherwise `` is the right link.
If your server supports it you can enable modrwrite links on the options. It should be on if your server supports it after setup. The urls to Zenphoto items are then nicer. As explained here:
Then again I could just learn to appreciate that my urls are pretty just the way they are. :-)
I can always change it later when I learn more...right?