Looking for the correct use of search in url

I have pictures with title 'Tilburg Dansnacht 2013'. Now I want to add a link to my WordPress blog to only these pictures. I was using this link: http://www.jacktummers.nl/collectie/page/search/?words=tilburg+dansnacht+2013, but that gives me 87 pages, without the correct amount of images per page on the first page (12), and also a lot of pages with images that have nothing to do with those search terms.

Am i using it incorrectly? The answer to this is yes ;), but what is the right way?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That search will find all all occurances where one of the three terms matches in all fields you have enabled for searching.

    If you want to search for that specifically you need to enclodes it in quotes (as on the "big" search engines). Try that in the search form and how it appears in the url.

    The most exact would be to tag the images and search that.
  • Thanks. Didn't notice that sooner.
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