I love this photoalbum, but i do not like the way the photo is displayed when clicking for the full photo in the image.php of the themes.
So I've added the Thickbox AJAX technique to make it more smooth and share the info here:
Download the Thickbox files from:
http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/You will need the Thickbox.js / Thickbox.css / LoadingAnimation.gif and the jQueary.js (make sure you use the compressed version).
Add the links to the image.php file:
<!-- Thickbox CSS -->
<style type="text/css" media="all">
@import "/thickbox.css";</style>
<!-- Thickbox JavaScript -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/thickbox/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/thickbox/thickbox.js"></script>
And add class="thickbox" and rel="photoalbum" to the id="image":
" class="thickbox" rel="fotoalbum" title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"> <?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?> Edit the thickbox.css to change the colors etc... if you like.
Have fun!
I love ZenPhoto, but I dont like the way the photos are displayed,
I have been using some other gallery which uses Thickbox for displaying images,
take a look http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/minishowcase/
It uses thickbox and it is great and it`s big advantage of that script.
I found ZenPhoto two days ago and I`m really impressed..
It is so customizable...
Can you give a link to your theme with thickbox?
I`m also going to develop new theme based on this http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/zenphoto/
but with thickboxes for displaying images.
Maybe I will also make try with slimboxes from here http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox
Really it is just an over fascination with the whole lightbox phenomena. People want to use it wherever because it is a cool effect.
(overlay doesnt work on FF - dont fulfil all window, on IE and Opera works fine)
Why I didnt choose Lightbox2 (ChilliLight) B/C I dont like those transistions
they slow down browsing gallery and they are 'cheap' effect for me,
and in other hand they are pretty heavy JS. There is some other script which
looks exactly the same like LightBox JS2 but is only 7KB and is much more convenient.
It`s slimbox http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox
What about HighSlide? Hmmm,
If it is possible to turn of the enlarging effect and to leave just movable
lightbox I think it is worth trying.
That would be great! Thanks in advance.
It's effervescence theme with some small modifications,
We have already discussed how to implement
lightbox/slimbox/thickbox/undiscoveredalreadybox/.... in that thread
+ I have something new
image in lightbox. Instead of `a href="<?=getFullImageURL();?>"` can be `a href="<?=getCustomImageURL(null, 580);?>"`
If you want me to help you, first install effervescence and make it working
(dont forget to copy customfunctions.php to /zen folder and make right modifications in it)
my gallery http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/zenphoto/
how fast does it load in your country?
Any suggestions?
Didnt you forget to copy customfunctions.php to zen folder?
And did you adopt it to your table names in DB?
(if you have prefixes for example)
<div class="image"><div class="imagethumb">" rel="lightbox[<? echo getAlbumTitle();?>]" title="<? echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?></div></div>
and added the includes for js files which are placed in js folder under the theme. css files in the css folder too. I used a working copy of effervescence on my system. I get these errors shown here:
not sure how to troubleshoot where the problem is. I switched the theme back to a working effervescence one for now. Any ideas? no prefixes for me either. Do I need to added something to customfunctions.php or is the one found in effervescence fine?
`Failed. Error: Table 's3photo.zpimages' doesn't exist`
So it thinks the table is called zpimages. I believe that's hardcoded, and yes, they really should be using the set prefix, but you have to change it manually.
<div class="image"><div class="imagethumb">" rel="lightbox[<? echo getAlbumTitle();?>]" title="<? echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?></div></div>
is wrong. Should be
but you can also change
`<?php echo getFullImageURL();?>`
`<?php echo getCustomImageURL(550, null);?>`
Is this the difference between:
<?php echo getFullImageURL();?>
<?php echo getCustomImageURL(550, null);?>
I'm using the getFullImage.
and <?php echo getCustomImageURL(550, null);?>
I think is very clear.
The first gives a link to original uploaded photo,
the second prints link to custom sized image.
(550px for example)
If you put large (I mean 1024x768, 1600x1200 or bigger)
you should use the second functions,
which resize photo to size which is more useful
for visitors who have only 1024x768 screen resolution
(it's still majority)
<div class="image"><div class="imagethumb">" title="<?=getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?></div></div>
<div class="imagethumb">" rel="lightbox[<? echo getAlbumTitle();?>]" title="<? echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?></div>
thanks again for your help monster.
I took a look to your site's source,
and I see you use roebox
Did you try to use slimbox? I don't know what is roebox,
maybe there is something wrong with this java script?
try my files http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/files/slimbox/
php 5.1.6
Apache/2.2.3 (Fedora)
I am now working through getting it working via https not http. In my setup, I have to use SSL for zenphoto (port 80 is blocked incoming). It appears that there are some issue with using SSL with mootools using the Window.onDomReady() function. I had to download the uncompressed version of the tools and do the mod discussed here:
I am still getting inconsistant results though. BTW monster, which parts of mootools are needed to make this work? I pretty much just did them all to get it working.
Native: Array, String, Function, Element
Window: Window.Base, Window.Size
Effects: Fx.Style, Fx.Styles (optionally Fx.Transitions)
Permesso, tell me what you find. I'm running into the same issue.