Hi !
I've tried to install new themes for my gallery (Effervescence & Thinkdreams), but I keep getting error messages like "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: printcustomalbumthumbimage() in /mnt/151/sdb/b/0/viventlesgrizzlis/themes/thinkdreams-1.0/index.php on line 28" on that page :
http://viventlesgrizzlis.free.frWould you know how to solve that ?
Thanks a lot !
Let me know. I'll be glad to help if I can.
Thanks for your help
Here's all that I've changed when installing Zenphoto (following the advices of some French websites, like http://www.framasoft.net/IMG/pdf/Tutoriel_Zenphoto_1.0.1b_sur_Free.pdf) :
- deleted .htaccess file
- in /zen/ renamed config.php.example into config.php
- in~/zen/config.php : `$conf['mod_rewrite'] = false`
- in ~/zen/functions.php, replaced lines 9 to 16 with :
`if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == "i.php" || basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ==
"admin.php") {
define('SERVERPATH', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
if(dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) == '/'){define('WEBPATH', '');}else{define('WEBPATH',
} else {
if(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == '/'){define('WEBPATH', '');}else{define('WEBPATH',
define('SERVERCACHE', SERVERPATH . "/cache");
define('WEBCACHE', WEBPATH . "/cache");`
- in ~/zen/admin-functions.php, replaced line 149 with :
`echo "n ";`
As for the customfunctions.php file, the Effervescence 1.01 README file said :
"Perhaps the most IMPORTANT step, make sure that the prefixes in line 6 of [ /zen/customfunctions.php ] matches those you used in your installation of zenphoto. In most cases this should be "zp" or "zp_". Make sure all the table names on that line are correctly labeled!"
Which I did (wrongly ?). But it never worked.
Thinking that that was maybe the key to the problem, I installed the 1.1 version instead, for which no such modification was evoked.
That was no better.
I then discovered thinkdreams, which I thought I installed properly
Here's what I know about what I've done.
(Not always knowing what I was doing though, as I'm very far from being an expert in that matter, as you'd have noticed...)
Again, thanks a lot for your help (and your theme !).
To start off, you have to make no modifications to the zenphoto core code to get anything zenphoto related to work with mod_rewrite. Note that the document you referenced was for zenphoto 1.0.1b which is very out of date. Currently it's on 1.0.7, and if you want subalbums, you can use the SVN repository for the latest code that support subalbums with mod_rewrite.
So I would reinstall your zenphoto with the 1.0.7 version to start with the modifications to the core code. That might mess things up a bit.
Then, you don't need to delete the htaccess file. You can leave it there, just turn mod_rewrite off in the zp_config file.
For the Effervescence theme, I made the modifications to the original 1.01 version so that you no longer have to mess with prefixes, and the customfunctions.php file is in the correct directory as well (with your theme files). I'm not sure why it won't work for you, but I can try to help with that if you want.
For the Thinkdreams theme, try the fresh zenphoto 1.0.7 version as above, and see if it still returns the error. Then write back here with your results, and I'll see whether you need additional help.