I use modified effervescence theme in my gallery
http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/zenphoto/generally it works great, but very rarely I get some minor bug,
which makes that no random image loads and I can see "Image not found", take a look
http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/files/ScreenShot020.jpgMaybe you know what may cause this problem?
Try reloading few times this gallery
http://www.pawelnawrocki.com/zenphoto/and there is small chance, that you will hit on NoImage in the head
Thanks in advance
In admin, in the center column, by the image count, click "[Refresh]". that should fix it.
when i hit "refresh" in `gallery stats` window the number of photos doesn`t change
Admin page says that there are "There are 700 images in a total of 14 albums [refresh]"
but in fact there only 620 images in 12 albums,
why the [refresh] makes no effect? I have no idea
Maybe b/c of safe_mode is On?
Until then, perhaps look manually at the database tables (albums first, then images), especially for photos with / or ./ in their album names.
and problem disappeared.
Many Thanks
they came from deleted subalbums
(I was doing some tests with subalbums, I deleted photos with ftp, but admin.php
didnt erase their records from database). when I delete photos from base albums everything goes right ...
we can negotiate
it`s very easy and takes less thank two minutes to implement slimbox/lightbox..whateverJS
to any theme you want
I have described in this topic
But if you are lazy... (I suppose not
It`s me to be grateful for your work.
Really great job.
Thanks I will look at it. Time to start learning something about php :-)