Problem on PHP5 Server

I moved to a PHP5 server with LunarHost (great company BTW) but although it used to work on a PHP 4.4.4 server with the same company, I am having the following problems:

if accessing I get a message saying 'Zenphoto error: Album does not exist.'

if accessing I get the test album I have created but no images appear

This is a clean install with 777 on cache and albums folders. I have tried with mod_rewrite On or Off and it does the same thing. Admin page works fine if you try to access it will redirect to the proper path. Could it be a problem with GD ? How can I fix it if this is the case ?

BTW, I have left the default user/pass for the admin part so knock yourselves out before I change it !

Thanks all for your time,


  • Did you changed the mod_rewrite inside .htaccess and zp-config.php? I got this behavior (no picture) with mod_rewrite = true ==> so I changed it to false ==> it works.

    Look at the output of

    // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

    // Show just the module information.
    // phpinfo(8) yields identical results.

    Is a GD section there?
  • Same error I was seeing yesterday, maybe try this?
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yeah, that's a very weird error, probably having to do with Apache and mod_rewrite -- I use the -f test in the .htaccess to see if a file exists, and if so, halt the rewrite process and just serve it. It seems like the Apache default file for the / path doesn't hit that condition though, so it thinks there's an album there instead. I've added the rule shown in for 1.0.8, which should fix the problem.
  • Thanks for your replies :)

    Adding the line: RewriteRule index\.php$ index.php [L,QSA] did not solve the problem.

    Changing mod_rewrite to false works but I do not know how to configure .htaccess for it to point to the right place... Also, I would preffer using the mod_rewrite method. Seems to work for admin, why not for the rest ?

    My PHP info:
    GD Support enabled
    GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)

    Any ideas ?
    Thanks again !
  • trisweb Administrator
    Definitely looks like you have some paths wrong somewhere.

    1) Check `RewriteBase` line in .htaccess. It should look like:
    `RewriteBase /zenphoto` for you.

    2) Try overriding the WEBPATH variable at the bottom of `/zen/zp-config.php`. Delete the `//` in front of it and change it to `/zenphoto` as well.

    Something wasn't detected right, seems that mod_rewrite messed with the php_self variable... I'll have to investigate more later.
  • Thanks for your help
    I followed your instructions and now everything is working fine :)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Excellent, that's why those overrides are there :-) Thanks for dealing with that.
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