I am a little unsure why I cannot login to Zen Photo.
I have changed the file permissions. I am using the same username and password that I set up for MySQL.
I have modified the config file as follows (changed the actual words)
$conf['mysql_user'] = "myusern";
$conf['mysql_pass'] = "mypass";
$conf['mysql_host'] = ""; // Won't need to change this 90% of the time.
$conf['mysql_database'] = "sitename_co_uk_-_dbname";
// If you're sharing the database with other tables, use a prefix to be safe.
$conf['mysql_prefix'] = "";
My hosting provider told me to change local host to in other installations of gallery and coppermine so I have done the same for zen
Probably doing something silly but its driving me bonkers, any help would be greatly appreciated
// Admin interface username (also required for running setup).
$conf['adminuser'] = "admin";
// This isn't that secure, so don't put anything here you don't want anyone to see...
// (but make sure you change it to something other than 1234...)
$conf['adminpass'] = "1234";
It worked a treat, only read the top bit!