I am using Zenphoto to build an archive of magazine covers and would like to use the date field to set a custom date for each image corresponding to the original date of the magazine cover. This info would then be displayed below the image thumbnails on album pages, as well as on individual image pages.
The problem I am having is that the custom dates I have entered for all of the images are not "sticking". After browsing a few albums or images, at some point the system seems to sense that the custom date is not the same as the file modification date of the image, and it changes the date in the DB. Once this occurs, each image and album page viewed reverts the modification date of those image files.
Function used to retrieve image date: getImageDate('%B %e, %Y');
I have also tried modifying the mtime stored in the DB to match the custom date I set for a particular image. That did not work either.
Short of writing a script to modify all of the files modification dates, does anyone have any suggestions for using custom date values?
PHP 5.3.15
MySQL 5.1.47
custom theme based on zp_bootstrap
On the admin Image options page I have all of the metadata fields set to "Do not process the field". The original theme had a custom option for displaying EXIF on image pages, but I did not include that in my theme, and make no calls to metadata functions on image or album pages.
I suppose I could use a code block to store my custom date.