ZenPhoto and Wordpress integration - using Wordpress' uploads feature

First off, I can't tell you how happy I was to discover Zenphoto. After years of struggling with bloated Gallery2 installations, Zenphoto was a godsend for me to be able to scale my photo gallery down to just what I wanted. In two days, I can already see that I'll be scrapping Gallery2 for good. Good work.

I would like to do this with Zenphoto and my Wordpress blog: Use Wordpress' existing uploads feature to allow posters to upload images they use in their posts directly to my Zenphoto gallery. I thought it would be as easy as setting the upload directory path in Wordpress to a directory in the albums folder of Zenphoto. And, in fact, it is that easy. Any file added via the Wordpress interface goes directly into Zenphoto.

The problem is that Wordpress also creates a thumbnail images for each uploaded file and puts that in the folder as well. So, any image added via Wordpress appears twice in Zenphoto, once in full size and once in the thumbnail size, which just looks ugly. Is there a way to filter out these thumbnail images when Zenphoto reads the directory? This post suggests to me that it may be possible: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=978&replies=2#post-5338 , but I don't have the coding skills to implement it. Basically, I'd like to ignore all the images that have ".thumbnail" in their filename.

Anyone have a suggestion?


  • trisweb Administrator
    It'd be better to hack wordpress and turn off image thumbnailing, or just disable the line that writes the thumbnail there.

    Good idea! That does indeed take care of a lot of integration.

    If only Wordpress's upload interface wasn't so horrible. ;-)

    I'll be working on a wordpress/zenphoto plugin with an upload interface that should be light years ahead of the current one. It should be cool.
  • Isn't there already one, how is that one. Zenpress ?
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep! I'd probably start there.

    Totally forgot, elbuzzard, check out Zenpress!
  • @edasque: I use Zenpress, and it works great. What I want to do is something a bit different, a different take on WordPress-Zenphoto integration.
    Zenpress allows you to post images from your Zenphoto gallery into your WordPress blog, and that's a great functionality. I want to go the other way: I want to be able to add images to a Zenphoto album from WordPress, using WordPress' upload system.
    One of the things Zenphoto lacks is a user system. There is one user, and only that user, or someone who has access to the website's file system can add new images. That's fine. I don't think Zenphoto should have bunches of users with various levels of permission, etc, etc. The best thing about Zenphoto is that it's not bloated with all of that.
    I have several authors on a blog. They aren't the most technically savvy people, but they know how to work WordPress. They know how make a post, and they know how to upload a photo via the little field that WordPress provides. They also know how to use Zenpress to pick a picture from the photo gallery to insert into their posts. I'd like to give them the ability to add their own blog images to Zenphoto using what they already know, without having to learn a new system, or having to share the admin rights to the photo gallery.
    I thought that by filtering out a certain format of filename, this could be done fairly easily, but I'm not a big fan of hacks that cause problems come upgrading time. I'm looking in to trisweb's suggestion to change where wordpress stores the thumbnails now. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • mosey Member
    I would love to see a function like this as well. I have had experience with using Gallery2 as well as Coppermine, and while both have their exceptionally strong points - they take up too much space/resources etc. for what I really need. ZenPhoto seems to be the ideal, except like elbuzzard, I would very much look forward to having more than one user able to upload to Wordpress-Zenphoto.
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