printAllDates and printAllTagsAs - Only once per image and only for unprotected images

The function printAllDates, used in the Archive-view, shows the number of images taken on a specific date. The function printAllTagsAs shows the number of images using a specific tag.

The two functions works great for me, but I would prefer that the functions would NOT collect information from pictures that I keep stored in protected albums.

In addition, I would appreciate that an image would count only once by these functions, in cases where it is uploaded to more than one album, disregarding if it is protected or not.

Example 1: I have 6 images taken in October 2014, and 2 of them are stored in a protected album. My wish is that a visitor to my image database in the Archive-view (, would see "oktober (4)" instead of "oktober (6)". If the protected images would have tags, the tags would not be included in the tags list count.

Example 2: If I would, for some reason, choose to publish an image taken in October 2014 in another physical album, my wish is that a visitor to my image database in the Archive-view would still see "oktober (4)" and the tags from the copied file would not appear twice in the tags list count.

Is there a simple way of solving these problems?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. We would have to review this. Are you sure you didn't accidentally test being logged in? If not best you open a ticket on the issue tracker for this.

    2. No, that is not possible. If the image exists twice physically on the file system it appaers two times and is counted as such.
  • Thanks for your quick reply!

    1. When I'm not logged on to the protected album, the archive view shows "oktober (6)", but when clicking on this link you get "4 Hits for oktober 2014" and 4 images appear (which is correct). I would like that it would say "oktober (4)" in the first stage as well.

    2. OK, I understand. Then I will not make copies of images that appears in more than one unprotected albums. It would be great if the issue described in part 1. was solved, and that would mean that the printAllDates would not return any number of hits from images stored in protected albums (even if there should exist copies of images that exists in both the protected an in one unprotected album).

    As the same problem appears with the printAllTagsAs-function, I have solved this by simply removing all tags from the images in the protected albums. But it would be great if I could use tags on these images as well, and that these tags wouldn't be counted for by the printAllTagsAs-function, when not logged on to the protected album.

    The basic idea behind my wishes, is that the default appearance of the archive-view and the tag list, for a visitor with no login to any protected album, would consist only of data from images that are unprotected.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    #1 sounds like a bug for both functions. We will look into it. I have opened a ticket for it.
    Further discussion please there. Thanks.
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