Reading titles from XMP metadata on import, saving back to file

Hi all,

I'm migrating from iPhoto and Gallery 3 to a different product, either Piwigo or Zenphoto, that will replace both (ie I'll upload and manage my photos direct from camera to cloud). For now I'm leaning towards Piwigo because of its iOS app so I can easily upload straight from my phone. 

However I do have one feature that I want that's not clear whether it's supported by either. I want to be able to import titles for my photos from XMP metadata in the file, and also to have titles that I may set in the Piwigo/Zenphoto software saved back into the file as XMP metadata so that if I access those photos in other software that can read that metadata from the file, I don't have to re-enter the titles. 

Does Piwigo support this? Does Zenphoto? Cross-posting to both groups. 


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto does support reading/extracting EXIF/IPCT and XMP meta data from images. For the latter there is a plugin called xmpMetadata that also supports sidecar files containing the metadata. (its included)

    Zenphoto however is not able to write meta data back to images itself. The xmpMetadata plugin however can export meta data to .xmp files. Part of the reason is that Zenphoto almost never alters the images uploaded. WE differ between the full images (the uploaded) and the cached sized images (those resized on the front end).
  • Also, you can upload directly from your device with Zenphoto as well. You can either access your admin installation directly via the mobile browser, or you can use an ftp app to upload images directly to your server account (album folders). Since Zenphoto is file based, it will then detect the new file(s) and create database entries for them.

    XMP Metadata in the image files will be ported over to the image data when detected (Titles, descriptions, etc).
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