printLatestImagesByDate and link back

Zenphoto is great, I use it since a few years and really enjoy it.

I'm currently building a new site. On the gallery of this new site, I woud like to show the 12 last uploaded images in an album.
I use the function printLatestImagesByDate() to do that and it works well.
When I'm on the image on the image.php file, and come from the last images album, I would like to put link for the visitor to get directly back to the album of the last images, but I don't know how to do that. Idem for the next and previous image link.

Currently, when I use the navigation of the image.php page, it does get back to the original album the image was uploaded to.

For the link back to the album, I currently use this function I've made :

function getParentSearchURL()
global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_last_album;
if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH_LINKED)) {
$page = $_zp_current_search->page;
$searchwords = $_zp_current_search->getSearchWords();
$searchdate = $_zp_current_search->getSearchDate();
$searchfields = $_zp_current_search->getSearchFields(true);
$search_album_list = $_zp_current_search->getAlbumList();
if (!is_array($search_album_list)) {
$search_album_list = array();
$searchpagepath = getSearchURL($searchwords, $searchdate, $searchfields, $page, array('albums' => $search_album_list));
$dynamic_album = $_zp_current_search->getDynamicAlbum();
if (empty($dynamic_album))
return $searchpagepath;

return null;

How to build the link?

Thank you by advance,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Search things are actually not needed. How to get back to the latest images depends on where you print them. If you are on `image.php` you can always use the breadcrumb function to get back to the album the image is in (see the standard themes). If you like to return to the latest images page you have to build the link manually.

    Problem is that you need to pass to `image.php` where you came from. The image page cannot know that. So probably by appending `&source=index.php` to the url if `index.php` is the page with the latest images. (don't forgot securing the $_GET var before using it!).

    Then you can add a check for that on `image.php` and build a link to return if needed.

    If that is too much coding for you maybe it would be easier for you to just use a dynamic album sorted by date (well there is then no limit unless you code something). Then the album to return it is naturally automatically the dynamic album.
  • Thank you very much Acrylian for your answer. I think I'll try to use a dynamic album by date (I would have prefered to use the printLatestImagesByDate() function, but navigation inside this pseudo album must be really hard to code, especially next and previous images).

    Actually, I don't know how to code something to limit the search results to a limited number of images. I've made some research on the forum, but didn't find a real way to do it. I don't know if you have a way to do that? I'll try by myself.

    Thank you again.
  • Ok, I think about a way to limit the number of images in a dynamic album :
    Would a code that break the loop next_image() at an iteration (ie 12 or 20 images) work?

    I was thinking about this code :

    <?php $limitnumber = 0;
    while (next_album()) { ?>
    <?php if ($limitnumber==12) {break;}
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    (I would have prefered to use the printLatestImagesByDate() function, but navigation inside this pseudo album must be really hard to code, especially next and previous images).
    Just to note that function is nowhere near an "album". It just lists the lastest without any context.

    Yes, you can limit the number of images that way in an album. But if you do that on your theme's album.php you will do this for any album regardless if real or dynamic. Add a check like
    if ($_zp_current_album->name == '' && $limitnumber==12)
    { … }
    The name is generally what you see in the url of the album. On a dynamic album typically ' ' `.alb` and it includes possible parent albums.

    Or you should extend your theme using this plugin:
  • Ok, thank you Acrylian for the check code, I'll use it.

    The code :

    <?php $limit = 0
    while (next_image()): ?>
    <?php if ($limit==6) {break;}
    $limit++; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    does work well for limiting the number of thumbs to 6 in the dynamic album page, but each pages has now 6 thumbs. It does not limit the effective number of image of the dynamic album (by navigating inside this album, I've all the images, not only the 6 last I want, considering they're sorted by date). So I'm searching a way to limit the number of image in the dynamic album, wich is equal to limit the number of results given by the search loop (or filtering the 6 last results of the search). Is there a way to do that?

    Thank you again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "Is there a way to do that?" is of course a wrong question for coding. But shortly no there is no simple way to limit code of an dynamic album. A dynamic album is bascially a "saved search". To limit you need to limit what you search for. The easiest is assign a tag to it. If you have only six it will find only six. But naturally it is not one option to get the latest images by that.

    My code was meant to give you a clue to limit something to one specific album. You have of course do do more custom theme coding like disabling the page navigation itself so you get only one page.

    As you will hopefully understand I cannot provide a complete solution for your specific problem here. That exceeds the possibilities of this forum. If you wishing to dive deeper see the tutorial about the theming basics first and then look at the object model tutorial. Your will probably have to invest a bit of time.
  • No problem Acrylian, it is really kind from you to have taken the time to help me until now.
    I've finally solved my problem by adding a variable to the image url when I come from the dynamic album. I just made the navigation commands (next image) disapear from the page when the page show the image and the variable reach #6. It does works well and give the illusion the dynamic album is limited (just by making impossible to navigate further in the search results).

    I'm sure it is a bit porcinet and it is certainly not conventional, but it does work... And I think I can use that to limit every search results.

    Thank you again. I'll sure show my site here when it will be completely finished. Thank you for Zenphoto.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, looking forward to see the site. One further tipp though: Instead of passing the variable you can also check `if($_zp_current_album->isDynamic()) { … }` to remove things.
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