Not JPEG files support

I've read the topics for movies support and another one about tiff support. For me, i need PDF support and probably other people need other ones. Giving an answer to each support is a hard job, is'nt it ? What about a generic solution ? Could it be possible to add a line to the zp-config.php with a list of alternative extension names, and using a manual link to a thumbnail ?

i.e. (please dont forget i'm graphist and not developper) :
Another way could be a "download liked file" link on the image page.
I explain : the admin just upload two files : a my_file.jpg and a my_file.pdf. On the image page of the "my_file.jpg", the php code add a "Download file my_file.php".
May be this is hard to do, may be not, i dont know. I hope not to be stupid and also that my english is not too bad to understand.

Most important, thanks a lot for zenphoto.


  • If that can help some one, i do that for PDF files :
    Open file "image.php" in the folder of the theme you use (i used "sterile")

    Replace :


    <?php <br />
    if (strcmp ( substr(getImageTitle(), 0, 4), 'pdf_')) {

    $imageURL = getFullImageURL();


    else {

    $imageURL = getFullImageURL();

    $imageURL = substr_replace($imageURL,'pdf',-3);



    " title="<?=getImageTitle();?>"> <?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>


    For use : just upload a pdf file, take care it's name begins with "pdf_"
    Upload also a jpeg file with the same name.
    il you want to use it for other files type, just change "pdf" in the code with the extension you need.

    I thing someone better could do it more friendly for users, for exemple using "(file_exists($PDFurl))" but i cant find out how to...

    Hope this will help someone, enjoy.
  • trisweb Administrator
    What you want could really be accomplished by integrating ImageMagick as an alternative image converter...

    Zenphoto is only limited by the formats GD supports right now, and ImageMagick supports far more, including PDF if you have the right libraries (Ghostscript) installed.

    I'll work on that for 1.1, it's an easy integration.
  • Thanks a lot for this news.
    I'm happy to have a solution to wait untill 1.1 realase because il falll in love with zenphoto (i really try a lot of other photo galleries) and i'm interested with the clean album hierarchy.
    Verry good job.
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