Notice: Undefined variable: weights in /home/pjroth/public_html/ on line 1436
I don't think this is a user that any user without admin privileges would ever see but I'll mention it anyhow. I think it is probably because all my albums and photos are unpublished. This line in class-search.php is trying to pull info from $weights[]. The actual line is,
$images[] = array('filename' => $row['filename'], 'folder' => $albumrow['folder'], 'weight'=>$weights[$row['id']]);
It only happens the first time I try to follow a link for one of the monthly archives. I guess after that $weights[] has been properly loaded up. I tried it with the zenpage theme as well but it doesn't look to be theme related at all. Of course I could be wrong but it does happen with zenpage theme as well.
My site is currently, Zenphoto version [10590] with a custom theme which was why I tested with the Zenpage theme.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the warning line is printed once for each item in the archive item. So when I have May(14) I will have 14 lines of warnings. Also, I understand I am only seeing this because I currently have a debug build.
Or turning off the debug part. :P