Installing, Deleting, Viewing Problems

Hi all

I only found zenPhoto today, and installed it. That seemed to go alright. I had to do the few changes necessary. I found I had to manually create a database in mySQL for it, but no big problems there.
My problem comes mainly now. I've uploaded some photos, and after figuring out how to turn on the GD plugin, it started working! Now, I've deleted those photos, and am trying to delete the albums, but I'm getting an error that the directory is not empty!
Also, when I try to view the photos using the album, it doesn't work. I'm working just using Apache, mySQL and PHP on my localhost, and so the photos are contained in localhost/zenPhoto/albums/album_name, however it tries to navigate to localhost/zenPhoto/album_name. Where do I go to fix this one??? And how do I make it so that the deleting of albums works. I'm just creating this page, and some not-so-tech-savvy people will be using it to display photos to the world.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Man, I am tired of explaining this so much...

    1. The URL in the address bar DOES NOT correspond to the directories except for their names. /zenphoto/album_name is the CORRECT URL, which is then translated by mod_rewrite into /zenphoto/index.php?album=album_name. SO - no problem there.

    2. The problem is probably, then, that you don't have Apache's mod_rewrite module enabled. Judging from the fact that GD was not enabled either, that is very likely. You can turn off mod_rewrite in zenphoto's zp-config.php to get it to work.

    3. The deletion problem is probably due to files other than image files in the album directory. Are you sure they're empty? Where are you seeing the error message?

    4. Please provide us with a URL. We can help you much better that way.
  • I can't post a URL because It's not online yet. I looked through Apache's setup and turned on the mod_rewrite by taking away the ";" from the beginning of the line.
    Since looking through your code I've figured out that yes, the URL does not match the directory structure, just like you said.
    I figured out the problem with deleting the directories. Since I'm running apache on windows on the machine i'm developing on, and i stupidly looked at the directories, windows added the Thumbs.db file. I deleted the directories, the entries from the database using phpMyAdmin, and it's fixed now.

    So I now have one album, with three images in it. When I click the album's thumbnail, I get a 404 File Not Found.


    <?php /* PUT NOTHING BEFORE THIS LINE, not even a line break! */<br />
    $conf = array();

    define("DEBUG", false);

    /** Do not edit above this line. **/


    /////////// zenPHOTO Configuration Variables //////////////////////////////

    // After you're done editing this file, load


    // to run the setup (of course, replacing the paths where needed).

    // NOTE: web_path and server_path are no longer needed! If you're having problems

    // with the auto-detected paths, you can override them at the bottom of this file.



    // Database Information (the most important part!)


    $conf['mysql_user'] = "root";

    $conf['mysql_pass'] = "squeel";

    $conf['mysql_host'] = "localhost"; // Won't need to change this 90% of the time.

    $conf['mysql_database'] = "zenalbum";

    // If you're sharing the database with other tables, use a prefix to be safe.

    $conf['mysql_prefix'] = "";


    // General Gallery Configuration


    // What you want to call your photo gallery.

    $conf['gallery_title'] = "Wotnots Gallery";

    // Your web site title and address, if you have one. If not, leave blank.

    // These are used to link back to your main site, but your theme must support it.

    $conf['website_title'] = "";

    $conf['website_url'] = "";

    // If you're in a different time zone from your server, set the offset in hours:

    $conf['time_offset'] = 0;

    // If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.

    // MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.

    $conf['mod_rewrite'] = true;

    // If mod_rewrite is true above, zenphoto's image page URL's usually end in .jpg,

    // set this if you want something else appended to the end (helps search engines).

    // Examples: .html, .php, /view, etc.

    $conf['mod_rewrite_image_suffix'] = '.php';

    // Admin interface username (also required for running setup).

    $conf['adminuser'] = "admin";

    // This isn't that secure, so don't put anything here you don't want anyone to see...

    // (but make sure you change it to something other than 1234...)

    $conf['adminpass'] = "photo";

    // The email for the admin user. Used to send notification emails.

    $conf['admin_email'] = "";

    // If you're running a secure server, change this to 'https' (Most people will leave this alone)

    $conf['server_protocol'] = "http";

    // The character encoding to use internally. Leave at UTF-8 if you're unsure.

    $conf['charset'] = 'UTF-8';


    // Image Processing Configuration


    // JPEG Compression quality for all images and thumbnails (respectively):

    $conf['image_quality'] = 85;

    $conf['thumb_quality'] = 75;

    // Default image display width (themes will be able to control this

    // to an extent in the future, but for now you may have to adjust it to fit your theme).

    $conf['image_size'] = 595;

    // If this is set to true, then the longest side of the image will be $image_size.

    // Otherwise, the *width* of the image will be $image_size.

    $conf['image_use_longest_side'] = true;

    // Allow images to be scaled up to the requested size? This could result in loss

    // of quality, so it's off by default.

    $conf['image_allow_upscale'] = false;

    // Default thumbnail size and scale:

    // If $thumb_crop is set to true, then the thumbnail will be a centered portion of the image

    // with the given width and height after being resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).

    // Otherwise, it will be the full image resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).

    // NOTE: thumb_crop_width and height should always be less than or equal to thumb_size

    $conf['thumb_size'] = 100;

    $conf['thumb_crop'] = true;

    $conf['thumb_crop_width'] = 85;

    $conf['thumb_crop_height'] = 85;

    // Add a small amount of unsharp mask to thumbnails? Slows thumbnail generation on slow servers.

    $conf['thumb_sharpen'] = false;

    // Paging options:

    // Control of their display is done in the theme, so you might need to change these

    // after switching themes to make it look better.

    $conf['albums_per_page'] = 5;

    $conf['images_per_page'] = 15;


    // Comment cleaning configuration


    // Tags and attributes allowed in comments

    // Follow the array form array('tag' => array('attribute' => array()))

    $conf['allowed_tags'] = array (

    'a' => array ('href' => array (), 'title' => array ()),

    'abbr' => array ('title' => array ()),

    'acronym' => array ('title' => array ()),

    'b' => array (),

    'blockquote' => array ('cite' => array ()),

    'code' => array (),

    'em' => array (),

    'i' => array (),

    'strike' => array (),

    'strong' => array (),

    'ul' => array (),

    'ol' => array (),

    'li' => array (),



    // Path Overrides


    // Uncomment the following two lines ONLY IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS,

    // like "file not found" or "not readable" errors.

    // These allow you to override Zenphoto's detection of the correct paths

    // on your server, which might work better on some setups.


    // define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');

    // define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');

    /** Do not edit below this line. **/


    $_zp_conf_vars = $conf;



    Am I missing something??

  • Okay, I read through the forums a bit more and found someone else who had a similar problem to me. It was a problem with overriding the directory, similar to that of "Long time user, first time mod_rewrite attempt". Thanks for your help trisweb, and thanks for making such awesome gallery software!
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