Album thumbnails from subalbums

I have upgraded to ZP 1431. I have checked "show subalbum thumbs" in gallery options. In earlier versions, I used to be able to select a thumbnail from any subalbum below the current album. Now it seems I can only choose images from subalbums only one level below.

For example:
=>Main album
==>Album A
====>Album A1
====>Album A2
====>Album A3
==>Album B
==>Album C

In main album, dropdown list shows images from albums A, B, and C only. I can't access images from A1,A2, or A3 which is what I would like to do. Any way to do this?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't remember any change but it might be this was thrown out because it causes serious overhead issues on sites with lots of images and sub albums. Sbillard surely knows more.
  • There is no mechanism to assign thumbnails from sublevel albums deeper than the first level. It would be possible for you to manually store the thumbnail in the database record, though.
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