jpg Caption showing as Title

I have been looking for some time now and have managed to get myself thoroughly confused so I apologize for what I'm sure is a totally novice question.

My jpg image has a "Title" and a "Caption" when looked at in my EXIF browser. When I upload the image the Caption becomes the Title on ZP and Title is nowhere to be found.

Would someone be so kind as to tell me where to look?
Should I be trying to change this in exif.php or elsewhere?

Thank You! Jeff


  • The short answer is:

    exif title becomes the Zenphoto description
    exif caption becomes the Zenphoto title.

    The long answer is to look at the EXIF specification ( Zenphoto maps fields based on their definitions. In the case of exif title it is unfortunate, but the definition of exif title is "image description".

    Note as well that there are also possibly IPTC data fields that might conflict. There is only one Zenphoto description field, but multiple fields that are essentially deseriptions, so maybe some other field is overriding your exif description.

    The original fields are all present in the database and can be used if you devolve to the object model level. You can also disable Zenphoto from processing metadata fields if they are "getting in the way".
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I believe the correct link is:
  • Yes, but the actual spec--Exif 2.2--is almost what I showed. Just missing the .pdf suffix. Guess it was a cut and paste error.
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