
Very strange problem. Searched bit here but no luck. sounds like others might be having the same problem.

So I have my own server setup a virtualhost for a dir put all the code there in the root and did a chown apache:apache for everything. FYI I would like to know if you have a better document describing better what dir's actually need for the server to have write access to.

so anyway I hit the / page it redirects to /zp-core/setup.php?autorun=gallery

and I get nothing in return.

Server log prints this line ONLY.

x.x.x.x - - [20/Aug/2012:09:22:30 +0000] "GET /zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php?autorun=gallery HTTP/1.1" 200 -

If you are familiar with the apache log this means that 0 bytes were sent.

Little frustrated forums I thought the only thing I could do is debug it a bit myself.

in the setup.php file at line 233 there is this code. FYI I added the print lines.

print "here2";
$result = query("SELECT id FROM " . $_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'options' . " LIMIT 1", false);
if ($result) {
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$upgrade = true;
// apply some critical updates to the database for migration issues
query('ALTER TABLE '.$_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'administrators'.' ADD COLUMN valid int(1) default 1', false);
query('ALTER TABLE '.$_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'administrators'.' CHANGE password pass varchar(64)', false);
query('ALTER TABLE '.$_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'administrators'.' ADD COLUMN loggedin datetime', false);
query('ALTER TABLE '.$_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'administrators'.' ADD COLUMN lastloggedin datetime', false);
query('ALTER TABLE '.$_zp_conf_vars['mysql_prefix'].'administrators'.' ADD COLUMN "challenge_phrase
TEXT', false);
$environ = true;
} else {
print "here2";

From here the first here prints here2 never prints.

Digging deeper now I find that it stops at this line in db_connect()

$_zp_DB_connection = @mysql_connect($_zp_conf_vars['mysql_host'], $_zp_conf_vars['mysql_user'], $_zp_conf_vars['mysql_pass']);

Where is @mysql_connect defined I am not familiar with this.

also why is it trying to connect to the DB before asking me for the Mysql information ?

FYI I put a print command also in the functions file after the mysq_connect() and it doesn't print. so for whatever reason that function is exiting not giving you the option to trap the error.

Looks like I hit Post a little too soon. I did find that I had PHP compiled without Mysql support. I did even follow instructions from here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7050373/check-whether-a-mysql-connect-failed-or-not to use a Try catch block but it would not capture it and go around it.

Will post again if I find any other problems. I guess that would be a PHP bug for not giving any kind of error. I would think anyway. But who am I just some stupid Luser.


  • Anyway I fixed the problem with php and Mysql Hope this helps people.

    We can just close this out.
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