No resizing or thumbnail above certain filesize?


First I would really like to thank you. Your script is the best- I wish more people would think like you!

I have a problem though. I managed to make everything work fine, except when the images I upload exceed a certain filesize, the script won't resize or make thumbnails from them. This happens both with browser uploading and ftp. The upload limit is 12M, and the images are far smaller than that, but it still doesn't work. The images get uploaded, but they won't show on the site (thumbnail and normal).

Any idea what could be wrong? I'd really like this script to work, it's so great!


  • php is running out of memory on the larger images, that is where your problem is coming from. Try cutting down the size of the image before you upload them. I know it sucks.. but unless you can talk your webhost into upping the memory for php this is going to happen.
  • trisweb Administrator
    An ImageMagick processor might help with larger images; I'll be doing some testing later on.
  • I already asked my host to upper the limit, but he wouldn't. I'll try resizing for now. And yeah, it sucks. At least a little bit;)

    Thanks you guys!
    Trisweb: Good luck on the IM processor- hope it works:)
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