Theme documentation - A begining

I made this list for my own use while I'm making my own templates / theme.

I'm just posting it up in case it might be useful for someone else.

please adjust and ammend it - i'm sure i have made some mistakes.

<?php while (next_album()): ?> --->
<?=getAlbumLinkURL();?> ---> link to album list view page - (album.php)
<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>
<? printAlbumDate("Date Taken: "); ?>
<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php printAlbumDesc(); ?>
<p style="clear: both; ">
<?php endwhile; ?>

<?php printGalleryTitle(); ?> -----------> prints the Gallery title

<?=getAlbumTitle();?> --------------> prints the album title

<?= $_zp_themeroot ?> ----------> prints the url to the theme root folder

<?php zenJavascript(); ?> -----------> links to any external .js files and prints sajax / js scripts

<?=getGalleryIndexURL();?> ----> prints the gallery home page url

<?=getGalleryTitle();?> -----> prints the ghallery title (dont know the difference between this and <?php printGalleryTitle(); ?> )

<?php printAlbumTitle(true);?> -------> prints the album title (dont know the difference between this and <?=getAlbumTitle();?>)

<?php printAlbumDesc(true); ?> -------> prints the album description

the folowing chunk writes your thumbnail navigation.

<?php while (next_image()): ?>
<?=getImageLinkURL();?> ----------> the link to the bigger picture
<?=getImageTitle();?> ---------> the image title
<?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?> ----> the thumbnail itself
<?php endwhile; ?>

<?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?> ----> this will print out a "< previous next >" style nav which moves from album to album

<?php printAdminLink('Admin', '', ' | '); ?> ----> prints the admin link if you are logged out


<?php printGalleryTitle(); ?>
<?= $_zp_themeroot ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleComments() {
var commentDiv = document.getElementById("comments");
if ( == "block") { = "none";
} else { = "block";

<?php zenJavascript(); ?>

the following block outputs the image nav "< previous next >" and finds out if there is another image or not.

<?php if (hasPrevImage()) { ?>
" title="Previous Image">« prev</div>
<?php } if (hasNextImage()) { ?>
<div class="imgnext">" title="Next Image">next »</div>
<?php } ?>

this block gives you the image:

<?=getFullImageURL();?> --> image url
<?=getImageTitle();?> ---> image title
<?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?> ----> prints image at your large image
<?php printImageDesc(true); ?> -----> prints the image description


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