URL to Custom size thumbnail with mod_rewrite on

Before I set up mod_rewrite, I used this type of URL to include custom sized thumbnails into my blog:


Now with mod_rewrite set up, my URLs look like this:

http://www.generalmagic.org/gallery/cache/Portfolio 2007/Rassain/Magentir.jpg

http://www.generalmagic.org/gallery/cache/Portfolio 2007/Rassain/Magentir.jpg_595.jpg

Is it still possible for me to link to custom size thumbnails with the new URL scheme ?



  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep! They still work in the old form.

    If you find images that haven't been processed before, then you'll see the first time they're loaded, they have the i.php URL, and after processing they're served directly from the /cache folder, which is more efficient. Best of both worlds!
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