No login option on ZPmobile theme


I set the ZPmobile them to be used on smartphones and it does display, however there is no Login option, no register for site, no slideshow and no rating option displayed. According to the theme description these should work. These plugins are all enabled on my main theme and seem to be enabled for the mobile them aswell but none of them work. What am I doing wrong? have I missed installing something to enable them? I am using an Android smartphone if that matters.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For the slideshow you need to define on its plugin options that the required scripts are loaded (and on which pages) for the theme. This is for not loading unnecessary scripts where they are not needed (which the plugin cannot know).

    It seems zpMobile indeed has no function calls for registering or login links. But you can always login via `/admin` easily. Will take a look.
  • Thanks for the prompt reply, I have enabled the scripts but still not working. also thansk for looking into adding the function calls that would be great.

    Edited to say that should be slideshow2.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    login/register links are now added to the support build (master on GitHub). Seems it does not have slideshow support at all. Not sure why but the theme is heavily js controlled through the jquery mobile script that there might have been some js conflicts with the slideshow plugins. Would have to take a look.
  • Graet thanks I will go and download it. The slideshow is not that important it would just be a nice to have option.

  • Ok downloaded the zpMobile theme from github and overwritten the one I had already on my webserver. Now I do get a register option on my mobile at the bottom under the footer but still do not get a login option.

    The login plugin has options of None, Form or colorbox

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are you maybe loggedin already then you naturally don't get the login link.
  • No because there was no login option on the phone so I couldn't login. Plus I have killed the web browser and cleared cache and history many times just to make sure. However I will change the theme on the phone and check if there is a login option with other themes. Plus I can't see any of the albums or options available to logged in users.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    My fault, somehow I meant I had added the log in/out link but apparently forgot it somehow. Now it is there and slideshow support, too (master build on GitHub that is).
  • Great we are getting there :D

    Now there is a space for the login button next to the register button but it is a blank space with no button.

    Slideshow works fine except the pause button icon is missing from the controls, it still works but the icon is missing.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have tested with slideshow2 only and it has all buttons it should prev|stop|pause|play|next.

    Not sure what you mean with the button space. Please provide a screenshot.
  • Hi,

    Goto on an android smartphone and scroll to the bottom where the register button is, you will see the register button on the left of the screen in a white box but there is no login button only a blank space on the right. Also go to an album and start a slideshow, you will see the oause button icon is missing.

  • All the slideshow controls show up on my friends iPhone but not on my android 4.2.2 phone, the pause icon is missing. The login box also does not show up on either phone.

  • There is also an issue with the registration form on zpMobile.

    It allows you to enter the email address and the password which when strong enough and meets the required amount of characters the box turns green, however the Repeat password box does not activate. If I then press Show Password the Repeat password box disapears completely. I can then fill in my name and the Captcha and hit submit. I then get a confirmation email asking me to verify my email address. This is now on my computer. When I click it I then get a registration/login screen appear but it does not accept my login details. When I then go to the admin control panel and look at the user account both password boxes are populated with ****** but if I press show password the boxes go blank.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If something does not show one idea: If you have enabled the static_html_cache plugin you will see the old state of the pages until it updates itself or your clear the cache manually.
    It should look like these: (3 images)

    Sorry, I don't have any Android device to test, it's all just HTML. No idea why the pause button would not show on the slideshow, all buttons are done the same way. Clear any web caches on the devices if possible. Or review error logs.

    I can reproduce the issue with teh password repeat field. No idea why that happens, will take a look.
  • Hi, thanks aggain for the help. No I do not have this cache plugin enabled and I have cleared the cache on the phone numerous times. The icon is not a massive issue it is just anoying that's all.

    The registration and login is an issue and I am really happy you are looking into it.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, that I have no idea about the button. The button are done via an icon font (in slideshow2) and all are the same. Without any browser errors like not loaded stuff I fear I cannot help at the moment.

    The registration issue is probably a JavaScript conflict with jQuery Mobile (JS within JS and rebinding issue). Interestingly you seem to be the first and we have this a while already …
  • Hmm I guess I am just the lucky one :D
    I have checked the login issue and it is the same on Android, IOS and Windows phone. Could it be something I have not enabled?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to update the theme from the latest support build (in this case it should work directly without the support build itself which we otherwise only recommend as a package).

    And of cousre you need to have the plugin enabled to see any buttons (and not being logged in) :-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The register issue should be fixed now. But since it is not theme based but core you need to install a new support build.
  • Thanks for the update, so basically I need to download the entire package from github and reinstall it completely. I have just downloaded the theme before and overwritten the existing one but there is obviously more to it than that in this case.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, the theme itself is not enough.
  • Ok uploaded the entire core and theme from github zenphoto-master and I now have the login button on zpMobile, when I press it I get the login page, however I get Login with no box to type in and I get Password with a box to type in. I will have to check this on an iPhone and Windows phone and see if they are the same.

    Just tried on a second Android whone and get teh same results, ther eis no box to type your login name.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I didn't change anything in that regard. Also check your plugin settings.
  • Plugin settings look look fine, I can give you admin access if you want to check anything also how can I upload a screenshot for you?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you would have to upload a screenshot to your site and link it. The forum has no feature for that. But I think I see what you mean. No idea yet why that is so. That might take a bit longer.
  • Hi,

    Any progress on this or is it really broken? It is not really an issue anymore as I changed the mobile theme to use zpBootstrap.
    I am just curious that's all.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is working for me but as said above I cannot test Android or iOS myself currently.

    Besides I also didn't get any feedback to my last comment above. Proper way is always to open a ticket if you still think it is an issue. Attach link, screenshot, possible error log entries and which Android version exactly and which browser you viewed with.

    Also make sure your Android is in this list:
  • Here is a screenshot taken of the login form I see on my site using zpMobile.

    As you can see there is no login box so I can not type my username in.

    This has been tested on 2 seperate android devices. 4.2.2 and 4.0.4 aswell as IOS 6.x and windows phone, the username login box is missing on all of them.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I see that now and it is not zpMobile limited but general. Anyway, in the future please open a ticket. Topics on the forum get lost, tickets don't.
  • OK thanks, I posted my last message as a ticket.

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