ZpBase - after updating new photo not show

I updated ZP to 1.4.7 and ZpBase to 1.1
After that I added a new gallery and when I want to see a full photo from thumbnails I got 404 (The page you are requesting cannot be found). I add all photos to cache in cache manager. Any idea what it could be. The rest of galleries works fine.


  • gjr Member
    If you provide a link maybe we could help, otherwise just guessing.
  • more info:
    when I use plug-in to upload files (uploader_http) to the server gallery works fine, but problem appear when I create gallery and upload all files direct to server via FTP.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Check Options > Gallery > Gallery behaviour > Publish albums by default & Publish images by default

    Possibly you have simply set the default to unpublished if there are no errors in the logs.
  • Both are checked. In log last entry was before the update and related to the previous template (i don't think that is the bug in template it appears on others templates to)
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