I added the en_GB locale to my installation with a proper flag to represent English as we are not all Amercian, however I am getting messages in my server logs that there is no zenphoto.po or mo. However there is no .po or .mo in the en_US directory either.
Is this an issue or can I just ignore them?
If Zenphoto can't find the .po and .mo files it will always default to the language used in the script.
That's why the en_US folder has no .po and .mo files.
You could of course create the en_GB locale yourself.
See http://www.zenphoto.org/news/translating-tutorial
But I will create one and that should stop the log entries.
If you really need British English then there is of course no way around creating specific translation files.
I also just found a bug in the German .po file
Best open a ticket for the bug in the German one. There are for sure some within all those strings.
Source Text:
Stephane Angoulvant with modifications by Stephen Billard (sbillard)
\"http://angoulvant.net/\">Stephane Angoulvant mit Änderungen von Stephen Billard (sbillard)