Zenphoto Status Report

For all those wondering when a new version will be coming, this should be a welcome post...

I've been very busy lately with school (I go to Berkeley, after all ;-) and I've had to put development mostly on hold. I've fixed a few bugs here and there, but not enough to warrant a release.

After the semester ends, I hope to get a bugfix release out first (sometime in the first week of January) and then finish up 1.0 features, including:

- Sorting by Anything (preferably drag-'n-drop too)
- RSS Feeds
- Sub-albums
- selective EXIF data display
- Complete metadata (dates, places, etc.)

The expected time for the 1.0 release is mid-January, but could be as late as February. As usual, no promises or implied warranty ;-)

I am looking for developers. Post here if you're interested. I'm only looking for the best and brightest (not just PHP K0derz), so be prepared to prove yourself.

Also see this thread for discussion of way-future ideas.


  • I'am currently working on ZenPhoto to implement tags.
    1. I use the Toxi shema. With a structure in tags (parent/childs)
    2. It could be nice to use javascript in admin panel to add or remove a photo for a tag. Drag and drop
    3. "Albums" could be removed and remplaced by tag structure generated with folder structure.
    mail: superdevy#gmail.com
  • I personally prefer the folder based album structure at the moment. I would not be opposed to tag in addition to these of course.
  • A welcome post indeed!

    My uni work not withstanding (I have what is potentially a fairly heavy team project to do over the next 4 months) I'd be very interested in helping this project develop further -- What skills are you looking for beyond PHP/SQL/CSS/Javascript?

    One of the things I'm hoping to see come about is a way to include ZP libraries/functions into non-ZP pages (ie: the rest of the site, or a blog) to allow easy thumbnail pictures of custom sizes which link through to the image page or gallery (eg: http://www.chateaucolombier.com/ -- don't expect much of the actual gallery, it isn't yet styled).

    There are more things, but they're all sort of swimming around aimlessly in my mind, so I'll regurgitate them when they solidify a bit more.
  • trisweb Administrator
    SuperDevy - I sent you an email, check it.

    HPKA - I won't get rid of the album/folder relationship. I like it too. Tags/categories/etc will only be an addition. I still have to figure out how exactly.

    dom - Thanks for the offer, do you have an e-mail address where I can contact you?
  • Hi,

    Tristan: I replied to your mail with some files.

    I have seen ZenPhoto on BerliOS
    This tool is very useful for multideveloper project. So is it possible to use it ? There is actually no file in the CVS !

    HPKA: About suppression of albums, I propose to remplace them by a tag hierarchy : each (sub)folder is associate to a (sub)tag, generated automatically. Album is a Tag linked to a Folder.

    I have no experience of programmation in Javascript, so I don't know how to use AJAX and others Drag'n'Drop possibilities. dom could work on admin tag interface ?

    Have you any suggestion on my tag functions ?
  • trisweb - [e-mail removed]
  • Sounds fantastic. Having had a bit more time to think about it I even tags only with autotagging by folder would have worked. However a hybrid solution sounds like something I can experiment with and see if I like it.

    Keep up the good work, rest assured 1.0 will be on my gallery as soon as it arrives.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Thanks Dominic. Got the e-mail.
  • trisweb Administrator
    And I'll be setting up a Subversion (SVN) repository on berlios ASAP.
  • I'd definitely be interested in lending a hand wherever it's needed. I've played around with various methods of metadata importing and a little bit of sorting on my local zp install but I didn't want to put too much work into it until I knew the direction you were headed.

    My time is fairly stretched at the moment, but I should be wrapping up development on my current big freelance project in the next week or two.

  • Tristan,

    I'm very interested in helping out with this project. My day job title is Chief Architect and i've been doing this sort of things for years. Ping me for more info if you want.

    When do you think the svn repo will be place?
    Sorting, sub albums and RSS feeds is where I think I can help.

  • trisweb Administrator
    FYI all - SVN repository is up. You can view it at: http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/zenphoto
  • i'm wondering if some progress has been made on the cgi-problems on Dreamhost. I'm also on dreamhost and experienced the same problems. If noone has started working on them, maybe i can make some free time. From the different gallery-scripts i have seen and tried i like zenphoto the most (certainly when it will have subalbums and EXIF :))
  • How do I get the files from SVN?? (Pardon the noob question)
  • fishbone, get TurtoiseSVN
  • Had some news that I thought folks might be interested in. Since Tristan graciously allowed me to join the ZP project a few weeks ago, I've been working away to add sorting to ZP. Drag and drop sorting was the goal. And now it works! Also we have sort by filename and image title.
    Check out my dev gallery at


    Admin login: admin/password

    If you log in, you'll see a new drop down in the album edit page, and a new album sort page link at the top. You can also get to the sort page from the main album view, if you're logged in.

    So.. this is still early, be gentle. The workflow might change (perhaps quite a bit!), but the plumbing is there. And I might make a sortable theme. Comments/feedback greatly appreciated.

    Also, plz don't take the p*** at the gallery. You can play, but don't ruin it for others by making me take it down.
  • Great work, where are the sources ?
  • @Luckyspin - *very* nice. :)
  • @Lucky

    If this is known, please ignore :)

    I'm running FF 1.5 w/flashblock and adblock extensions and while I can reorder them visually, when I click "Save", it says that the album order has been saved but the visual changes reset to their previous condition (ie: not actually saving the changes).

    Wasn't sure if that was intentional for testing purposes or not, or if something is fubar'd on my end somehow.

    Either way, great implementation and looking forward to running the next version :)
  • Wow! I have to join in the cheering chorus.
    The drag and drop album sorting is *extremely* nice. Well done.

    Just a thought - can we have the same functionality for sorting the gallery order as well?

    Keep up the good work!
  • All - thanks for the kind words and encouragement! Most kudos should go to Tristan for coming up with ZP in the first place. I'm happy to contribute where I can =)

    SuperDevy - sources are checked into the berlios repo. If you want bleeding edge stuff, check every few days. FYI: update.php is not done, but contains the sql you'll need if you wanna take it for a test drive.

    syndromes - make sure that Manual is selected from the Album edit page. When I just checked it was set to Title. I guess a shortcoming of the dev site is more than one person could be playing at the same time!

    simon - yep! That's the plan. Now the plumbing is in, I have a few things I need to wrap up on this. But gallery sorting is definitely planned.
  • Lucky: Gotcha - that did the trick :)

    If I could offer up a suggestion as for usability, I think it'd be more intuitive to have the sort order button also displayed on the page where you are actually doing the draging & droping of images (for dotes like me haha) :) Once you're already on that page, you can't really tell how things are being sorted.

    Regardless, thanks to EVERYONE involved w/zenphoto. Good stuff!
  • FYI: I checked in an upgrade.php to SVN to migrate DB tables to the new schema. Worksforme, but make sure you back up first if you test it! Or you can setup from scratch again.

    syndromes: thanks for the feedback. Good idea, I'll take a look at it.
  • Syndromes: OK, so instead of displaying the sort button, what I did was add a check to see whether or not Manual sorting was already selected. If not, it's automatically set (presumably if you are manually sorting, you're always going to want to display that way) and a little message shown. I think this works pretty well.
  • Perfect! That works great :)
  • This sounds very good. Is it possible to store the nightly builds in a zip file somewhere, so it is easier to download for us - non technicians ? :-)

    I would love to try the new features.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I'll be working on the interface for the sorting in the coming weeks... I have a few ideas to make it more intuitive.

    thegirlinthecafe -- there's still not much development going on, so it's not quite worth it. I'll make sure to release more often. :)
  • Is support for subdirectories included yet, that is the one feature that I really need for a site I am doing for an orginazation.
  • I thought folks might like to know that I have completed adding sorting of album order to ZP. You can drag'n'drop the albums in the Edit page of the Admin section. I'm pretty pysched! I think the UI could be improved and made more dynamic and subtle, but the major back end stuff is there.

    Check out my dev gallery at:


    Admin login: admin/password

    Previous caveats apply: No p*** taking at site. UI and workflow maybe subject to change.

    Comments/feedback appreciated!
  • fungifred: no, it's not there yet, but is very high on the list of priorities. Patches always welcome ;)
This discussion has been closed.