create object for gslideshow


i used to generate a gslideshow object with
<?php $albumname = getAlbumLinkURL();<br />
$prefix = '/page/';

if (substr($albumname, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) {

$albumname = substr($albumname, strlen($prefix), strlen($albumname));


$albumobject = new Album($galleryobject,$albumname);

printGslideshow($albumobject); ?>

and this worked up to, but i upgradet to 1.4.6 and then to 1.4.7 and know i get a fatal error:
Fatal error: Ungültig Album-Instanz: Kein Alumnate in /path/to/zenphoto/page/zp-core/class-album.php on line 1210

i found that one should use newAlbum - without the space - but this doesn't work either.
what do i have to change to make it work again? i just want to display the images directly in the album.php as a slideshow.

edit: i already changed getAlbumLinkURL to getAlbumURL, btw.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You probably still set the `$galleryobject` in `newAlbum()`. That function only has one parameter for the album name. Better would be to use `$_zp_current_album->name` if an current album is set instead of the url. Especially if you use dynamic albums.
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