Zenphoto Dreams... (way future development plans)

Okay, here are some ideas I have for the distant future of the program.

So I just have one idea for now, but let's get some discussion on it. I'd love to hear what you think.

Some kind of inter-zenphoto social networking. Example: your friend has a ZP gallery. Enter his URL and you can connect your installations, and do all sorts of things, like displaying his most recent images or comments, and linking your images to similar ones in his gallery, and all sorts of things I haven't imagined yet. Think of other uses, and imagine you have a whole network of connected zenphotos (don't forget the second and third levels), and what you could do with that.

Anyone else have innovative ideas? (Can be completely unrelated or wacko, just get 'em out there).


  • Are you proposing a zen-flikr network?
  • A function to delete albums and photos from the interface, as well as move image x to a different album.
  • trisweb Administrator
    amory, that stuff will be in 1.0. I'm trying to think of less trivial things in this post.

    Roger - yes, a zen-flickr like network.
  • isn't RSS already suitable for that sort of things ?

    just add an RSS feed for each album or/and the whole gallery, provide a builtin RSS reader, and you're done, aren't you ?
  • How about a flickr-eque badge creator, which can be used much like the Flickr JS code to dynamically pull the last X photos:

  • I'd like to see an API for plugin development. Look at how successful things like WordPress and Mint are - I think a major part of that success is their easy extensibility. Perhaps you could call extensions "Lenses"...
  • Hi mate,

    This looks cool ...


    I think the 'lenses' idea is very cool :-) I do have a question, anyway I can maintain EXIF info in a resized image?
  • How about rss feeds equivelent to the ones in flicker? Also if you add plugin support (lenses is a cool name idea) we could add gravatars (because everyone loves gravatars :P )
  • Well, as far as the slider is concerned, Tristan already did it:


    And as for RSS, I had to pull them from this release because of a few issues:


    But rest assured.. it's coming. And yeah, sub albums, plugin architecture, etc, are all on the list. We're trying! ;)
  • YAY!

    and further down the road (i mean way further), once subalbums are implimented and what not, could you have it so you could drag images between albums. Im imaging a big heirarch tree with albums, subalbums and pictures all hanging down and you can drag stuff around into where you want it. That would be awesome.
  • What are the plans for instead of/with galleries? Any yet?
  • One feature I'd like to see is multiple-galleries. With only one installation of ZenPhoto, to have the possibility to create multiple distinct ZenPhoto websites. Example : one ZenPhoto website for my family pictures (and I give my family the URL of this website) and one ZenPhoto website for my artistic pictures. Maybe it's already available or planned for future development, I don't know.

    It could be a quite simple feature : you have one admin section and you sort the galeries for both websites : this gallery is meant to be on my Family site, this gallery on my artistic one (with a simple drop down menu for example).

    RSS feeds would be a killer feature also.

    I have a simple request about future features : try to keep ZenPhoto the most simple, easy to use web gallery. I installed ZenPhoto because I didn't want Coppermine so, don't make ZenPhoto look like Coppermine ;-)
  • cowboydan:

    I 100% agree with you. I'm installing this gallery on a client website who has a section for wedding photos & portrait photos. Since there is no option for multiple albums, or an option to attach a different them to the different albums, I had to use 2 installations of ZenPhoto.

    IMO this is the only drawback of ZenPhoto be used on a much larger scale. Is this functionality planned for any of the upcoming releases?
  • I would love to see ZenPhoto support something like OpenID for comments and what not. (not by default, but have the options to support it) I think Identity 2.0 is one of the greatest things coming along, I'm not sure if OpenID is the best solution, but it's one of them ! There are OpenID PHP libraries here: http://www.openidenabled.com/openid/libraries/php
  • • Upload by email
    • Upload by phone (a la http://www.shozu.com/)
    • Upload by telekinesis (might have to wait till 2050)
    • Greater album control directly in site (not via the admin panel)
    • http://www.gravatar.com support

    Flickr style features sounds good but anything that made it too easy to share images might cause bandwith problems.
  • Flickr's got TAGS. Why not zenPhoto then? You can create albums and assign tags... and let other users tag your pictures (obviously if you want to).

    Plugin API and a sort of theming framework is essential I think. Exif data and gravatars could be separate plugins then... just like for wordpress.

    "Subscribing" to a gallery via RSS... or subscribe to comments just like (guess what?) wordpress (someone already said this...)

    A web GUI for the config file could be useful too.

    just random ideas. Nothing really innovative... also remember that such functionalities should be integrated with a sort of "scalable concept" in mind. So when the admin just want to disable RSS, Comments, TAGS and so on... he should only uncheck a box in the admin panel.

    (really... I'm sorry for my EN! I know that reading my stuff is going to kill someone sooner or later)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Great ideas Flip, and you're English is amazing, never worry about it again! ;-)

    We're totally planning on adding grouping and tagging in some really cool ways, but it'll be a little bit before you see any of it. Think zenphoto v2. For now, we're focused on getting sub-albums working, and fixing the bugs everyone's seeing, then we'll call it 1.0 and start on the new stuff.
  • Enter his URL and you can connect your installations, and do all sorts of things, like displaying his most recent images or comments, and linking your images to similar ones in his gallery, and all sorts of things I haven't imagined yet.
    Use XML-RPC instead of some sort of direct access. With this option it can be easly accessible from many other.

    Altough someone said above to use feeds for this kind of stuff I disagree and agree with Trisweb; you cannot do this with RSS.

    And with XML-RPC you can even integrate user login a la Drupal.

    Ah! This will also an API, right?
  • It's all very well adding all this new stuff... but just please remember to keep things simple simple simple. Ta!
  • That said, if possible I'd like it to be possible to bypass the 'gallery' page, and enter straight into a 'image' page.
    For example, I'd like to go straight into an image page that looks like this: http://www.chloelederman.co.uk/photos/index.php?album=55-cornwall-crescent&image=chloe+5.jpg (including the gallery on the same page). With this layout the 'gallery' page is redundant.
    This is being discussed lightly here: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=585.
  • benneh Member
    firstly, i love the asimplicity of the current version :) if I had any suggestions they might be:

    form based login would be nice, instead of having to use .htaccess.

    a gui to configure would be cool, but editing the config files by hand is easy enough for most

    using imagemap or similar to integrate navigation buttons on the actual image you are currently viewing

    prebuffering of the next photo in sequence
  • I think a good and easy to make feature is image rating :)
  • I am definitely in the camp of folks who'd like to see a gui for configuration. However, being a convert from Gallery2, I wouldn't want to gain that kind of functionality at the expense of simplicity, ease of use, or bloat.

    I think a few other features that I'd like to see include (in no particular order):

    1. Ability to pass photo's to popular online photo printing services
    2. Ability to play with Flickr and Picasa WebAlbums
    3. Access to the zp api to make plug-in development easier ("lenses" as mentioned above)
    4. Social networking features mentioned above
    5. Tagging
    6. RSS feeds
    7. Ability to turn commenting on and off for albums and pictures (other than through the css).
  • After using Zenphoto some I think the sub-albums feature is an important feature to make solid. I like the idea of tagging and connecting with social networks, but of course making using those features (especially the social network connections) optional for those of us who don't use social networks.
  • Don't know if anyone mentioned this but cropping specific area of image, making it thumbnail and assigning it for both albums or images would be great, don't you think?
  • enes's advice maybe come true now, you can change the size in the canpel and select the size which you want.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You still can't crop specific areas for thumbnails, but that's on our list.
  • Hi all,

    i don't know if this post is still relevant, but a quick search on 'zenphoto+openid' brings me here.

    I use zenphoto to host some public galleries and a lot of private ones. I use login/password couples to restrict access to these private galleries, but it's not really easy to administer, and visitors needs to remember all these login/password couples... and this drives they nuts!

    I thought an openid integration could be fine working like this:
    - a user logs with openid and have no access by default
    - its openid login (url) its recorded in the database
    - administrator or zenphoto user can then allow access to each openid users it wants

    I can even dream of a way to indicate openid login before its login to allow access to some galleries.

    What do you think about that?

    ps: i know it needs someone to do it, so it's just a proposition, an idea. I wish i were able to do it but i don't rellay know php :s
  • Please see the current nightly build and the register_user plugin.
  • I had a thought for future development. Two thoughts actually, but related. First, a mobile view, for viewing the site from a phone or PDA. Ideally it would be the exact same site reformatted for PDA, maybe like /zenphoto/mobile. Second thought but along the same lines, an SMS conduit so that you could upload directly from your PDA to the site via SMS text, or even email. Now that I think about it, an email interface to upload would be cool on its own.
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