I'm creating my own theme with different useroptions, but after several workarounds for my needs I didn't find a solution for the following:
Hidden Gallery, only accessable with login.
User A, B and C (Admin)
User A < B < C
Some pages and albums
So user A should see Page 1, but User B shouldn't see and access it. But how can I solve this?
Is there a possibility to show custom menus depending of the user logged in? Or can I get the username wich is logged in (for a function)?
Need a custom menu for each user
Thank you for your help and great CMS.
But if you really need entirely different menu sets you will have to code that on your theme. Either depending on the rights set to users using `zp_loggedin()` (see the user rights article) and/or checking for a specific user directly. Use the global variable `$_zp_current_admin_obj` which contains the object of the current user if any is loggedin.
And yes, some rights_management for the menu_manager would be great.
Thanks again for your fast reply!
This however in any case will only be applicable for menu entries of actual Zenphoto/Zenpage items and not for entries of custom links etc.
So with the right combination of managed and protected items and unpublishing you actually get what you wish.