printImageTitle reading Exif file caption not file name.

I'm using the printImageTitle line in a theme but this function is not reading the file name, as it normally does and instead choosing to read the Description field in the exif once its filled in.
I usually leave the exif blank but have recently been using the description field. The image title field has not been filled in leaving the file name as the normal way I display them.
The function of printImageDesc reads the description field as well, which I'm assuming it should do anyway but I've tried to hunt around for a fix to stop the printImageTitle from reading the description field but seem to be coming up short.
Is there a way to alter the behaviour of printImageTitle at all? or use another function that prints the file name instead.

I should add that images (thumbs and full size) are appearing as normal, just the titles are descriptions when that field is filled...


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The file name becomes the title on import if no meta data in the image is set for the title.
    Only if import of that field is enabled of course.

    printImageTitle just prints the title that is stored in the Zenphoto install database, it does not read the description. So if it outputs the description that has somehow been set as the title.

    Of course you can print hte filename manually instead by, well, printing the file name ;-)

    Btw, if you refer to the site in your profile, be aware that Zenphoto 1.3 is quite outdated ;-)
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